Nostalgic Zenith

“When it comes to generative art tools specifically, the tool simply searches for images that match the keywords or descriptions in your prompt, then mashes the elements together.”

“It’s just an algorithm that searches and auto-fills data in the ways it’s programmed to”

This is not accurate :( - a generous reading may

Every study so far points to the fact that A.I. Art rarely copies an actual image. It mainly does what living artists do, studies a style and does art in that style.

It is like a chatroom, and that’s part of the appeal. It’s a mess if you’re in a big public server, but in a smaller one it’s a nice way to stay in contact with a handful of people.

This is kind of misrepresenting what’s going on here, actually. This isn’t a case of the royal family using Evil Secret Royal Powers to censor the news, this is a case of news broadcasters agreeing to certain conditions to be granted access to record and televise the funeral, one of which conditions was allowing the

I’m going to dissect this bullshit one bit at a time:

That was thorough. Thanks. I was just making a joke, but I learned something.

I’m gonna take this opportunity to be a wet blanket and remind everyone that this is not over. There’s no going back to normal, and no one should be resting or bored. Time to get to work fixing everything.

“This might be harder to pull off for men, because generations of socially conditioned stoicism has conditioned us otherwise, but be vulnerable.”

Being underwater they can’t rely on GPS for timing and location as you would with a surface based experiment. In this case the timing is from the onboard atomic clock, the data is all there but the time stamps don’t retain accuracy without a known baseline reference point. If the clock stops, which is imminent, then

More likely the units will no longer have the power to emit a signal that they use to find them. They’re in deep water.

Yes. I was afraid of playing this game from everything I read on the comments around the internets (tm). Then I decided to just buy the game and play it and, honestly? It’s one of the most fun games I’ve played recently. 

I’m not sure how this is a terrible compliment. The article describes one of the game’s features and how it adds a lot to the overall experience. Unless you have a hate boner for FO76 and can’t stand to see it praised in any way, I don’t see why this is a problem.

Utterly untrue. This game has had an absurd amount of free content since launch. No one expected there not to be purchasable cosmetics, and they are not overpriced at all when compared to other games that sell skins and cosmetics, they were part of the previews and there at launch. And you can 100% get all this stuff

Meh. As someone who’s been playing forever, honestly you can pretty much grind the currency in game to buy all the various skins. It really depends on what you want, the power armor skins can be a bit over priced imo though. And if you’re really desperate, just wait for the stuff to go on sale, they do it every week,

I hate people who do that.

I like Kamala as a character, but she has serious Mary Sue vibes in Marvel’s Avengers.

Valves and vents render the mask useless at protecting others. Please don’t promote any masks with valves as something people should buy!

Valves and vents render the mask useless at protecting others. Please don’t promote any masks with valves as

Is there a Chrome extension that gets rid of the shitty slideshow on Kinja?

Fun fact. USB “thumb drives” are the least secure things in the world. They typically consist of a flash memory chip and a controller chip. The controller chip is a small computer that can be programmed to lie. About anything. It can lie about the capacity. It can lie about the data that is on the flash chip. It can

Superman models good behavior regardless of his needs--that’s kinda his thing!