
I notice all the cute shoes and flats and sandals wistfully, as I have a hell of a time finding ones that work for my feet. In addition to narrow heels that make wearing pumps, ballet shoes, or basically anything without a strap across my foot impossible, I’ve got an extra bone (technically, accessory navicular bone)

It’s not even a cultural thing for me, I just feel it’s disgusting to wear shoes inside that have trod through god knows what on city streets.

As funny as it is to think about, most conservatives are infinitely more concerned about labels than other demographics in my experience. Almost the entirety of what i would consider to be “toxic conservatives” adhere very strictly and proudly to stereotypes. They work very hard to fit into the mainstream ideal of men

You have substantial breasts and *don’t* want an underwire? I cannot imagine. I’ve worn underwire since I hit 32C, and I’m way past that now. Whyyyyy?

That is the look of a kid contemplating patricide.

Trump has said that his kids are only useful to him once they can work in the family business. I’m hoping that by the time Barron’s old enough to, Daddy dearest will be 6 feet under. Horrible for me to say but that’s the only hope of the kid turning into a decent human being (his 3 oldest siblings are not, not sure

The below is from an NPR interview of commentator Aaron Freeman: 

I have a pair of floral print Docs I bought in ebay a few months ago so I guess I’m inadvertently extra trendy.

One can hope!

Every country has arseholes.

There’s a responsibility inherent in parenting, a responsibility to keep your children from accessing violence and porn (in that order) on the internet. Placing that responsibility with the state is bullshit.

it’s 13 in a lot of European countries, but the expectation is that they’ll be shtupping with peers.

The Unbearable Whiteness of Being.

Yes! If they’re getting poop on their fingers they’re doing it wrong! Also, forget wiping a baby’s butt, if they’re so concerned with poopy nails, wtf do they people with long nails do when they wipe their own grown-up behinds???

Unfriendly reminder to these dipshits that if they ever achieved their dreams of a white ethnostate, the whitest whites would start scapegoating the less-white-whites for their society’s issues and ills and “having a hard conversation about who really is and isn’t white” before they could blink.

What is going on with Kinja? I can’t seem to see my Pending comments.

Can I be honest? If I was rich enough, I would pay someone else to change my baby’s diapers.

Anyone else read the headline and scream, “HOLY FUCK, HE’S ONLY BEEN IN OFFICE FOR A HUNDRED DAYS?!?!”

Sounds similar to the World Adventures expansion for Sims 3, except you can’t buy local property or sleep in a luxury tent while exploring