
The Sims has better animation than this IMVU nonsense.

The whole “arm teachers” argument is predicated on the premise that teachers are all totally rational and disciplined individuals who would never use the gun in a reckless or threatening way.

The only thing that can stop a bad teacher with a gun is a good janitor with a flamethrower!

Maybe they should have called it Zuul, because of the way it possesses you.

Sounds to me like they need to be decorated. Maybe a yarn bomb of KKK hoods.

Can we get like a mysterious older spouse simulator. Like old blue blood in a victorian manor. Or you know like an exec or something.

I’ve been saying this since Sandy Hook. The American people should be forced to see the ultimate effects of this horrific violence. Every newspaper and television news channel should have shown uncensored pictures of the dead first graders in Sandy Hook (so long as the parents of those children allowed it). It turned

Mmmmmm woodgrain!

I honestly wonder sometimes if conservatives are so bad at their jobs, they can’t believe anyone would actually be good at theirs.

There are 9000000 people out there on dating apps, bars, coffee shops, etc all looking for love.

The head voice and synth music is very early-00's, but the soul is so there. (Damn, she was only 17 when she did this?)

When I started kindergarten in 1989 my teacher expressed concern over my lack of fine motor skills because I held my pencil “wrong”. My mother was the queen of arts and crafts so I grew up doing things with my hands constantly. I spent hours using up all my grandma’s aluminum foil making little figures of people and

It was actually kind of awesome? The concert part was amazing.

The other absurdity is that US animal shelters euthanize almost 700,000 dogs a year because they can’t get homes! People are hand wringing over Koreans killing and eating dogs while an equivalent number of dogs are killed here every year. I agree the conditions are bad for these dogs and that’s terrible, but I’m not

Anthropologist Marvin Harris wrote about this topic if anyone is interested in reading about it

Yeah uh we use pig heart parts in human heart transplants because their bodies are so similar to ours. Why draw the line at dogs? What about horses? Cats? Rodents? Birds? Fish? Those are all animals people keep as pets. As are pigs, sheep, goats, cows, deer etc etc. What makes dogs so different? If eating any meat is

It is hypocritical for us to arbitrarily care so much more for dogs in these horrible intensive farming situations, than we do for the pigs and cows and chickens, who feel just as much pain, in farms here at home. That being said, I cannot WAIT to see Game Changers - the movie.

Hmm. that doesnt sound like the book at all. It was very sad and lovely

I doubt it was a real one. Probably a replica. Maybe even a blunt one, enforcing the idea that it cannot cut anything.