Thank god I live in europe where this would be illegal. First time I’ve been grateful for the GDPR
Thank god I live in europe where this would be illegal. First time I’ve been grateful for the GDPR
To my body and brain, underwear on = do not pee; underwear off = time to pee. Thus, I wear underwear to bed. I do not wish to pee myself awake. That is all.
“If you think ICE is racist—is Congress racist because they enacted these laws? Think about that for a minute.”
I love how their response to being called a Nazi (or a fascist) is generally “But we’re just following the laws!”
So Valerie never paid that fine then.
At this point, if it makes the cold shoulder trend go away, I’m all for it.
They remind of couples in high school who posted way too much information about their relationships on Facebook.
Yeah, but, one has only to look at how Heechul from Shinee has had to deal with gay rumors to see that nothing’s changed and that the fan-service of cute boys and “skinship” is only fan-service and not indicative of anything else.
Dementors in love!
Yikes. That kissing picture. I finally figured out who was hair was who’s, but why does it look like they are giving each other CPR?
I’m not sure I understand your comment. Here in the UK the vast majority of het marrieds I know (including me, and for that matter my parents) had secular civil ceremonies conducted by a registrar. There was nothing religious about these weddings at all.
Are we related?
My dad, a white guy, repeatedly lost his shit when anyone interrupted him in a conversation. Keep in mind this guy interrupted everyone else, unilaterally ended topics of conversation if he doesn’t like what’s being said, and accused me of “talking back” when he can’t defend his arguments. (He once spanked me for…
Gwyneth and Brad are getting married in the Hamptons.
Exactly. It could not have been more intentional.
And as someone on Twitter mentioned: it’s a $39 jacket. What are the odds that Melania owns a $39 jacket?
Zaha Hadid was Iraqi. And Mohamed Hadid is Palestinian. So, it’s not impossible but highly unlikely they are related.
The pouch isn’t such a bad idea. Humans have big heads and narrow hips, so by the time a baby is somewhat functional giving birth is already incredibly difficult. Copying marsupials makes some sense.
So now im confused. It’s not his responsibility to go phisically collect the money from her is it? Why does he need to know her living address? isnt there a legal obligation for her to get the money to him?