
Usually there’s an explanation that comes with the guarantee. Like my Darn Tough socks have a lifetime warranty that says if the socks ever wear out for any reason, they will be replaced. However, the cordless drill with lifetime warranty that I just bought says it’s warrantied only for the original purchaser (no

And even if they did, so fucking what? Someone suggesting you should behave an abominably cruel manner doesn’t give you an excuse to do it.

I’m so surprised you’re the only who has said this! A lot of countries/ ethnicities/ cultures simply don’t use middle names, and I believe Persian/Armenian naming structure (I think the Kardashians are Armenian?) does not traditionally include a middle name.

Could be cultural. Italians don’t use middle names.

“Till the sweat drops down my balls

That’s a very old picture. At least 10 years old. This is a new one. I think they look fabulous.

I don’t think it’s a recent photo, but yeah, I remember when over tanning was the “thing” that everyone was doing.

She was a ridiculously sweet little girl, we called her IB- like Ivy! But yeah, I had to call my mom and tell her about this poor kid’s horrible name, my mom said it sounded like a way you distinguish between two Beths. You know, there’s Amy and Blonde Amy, there’s Beth and Irishbeth!

It’s not just moms, it’s drinkers in general. I was born with an inability to metabolize alcohol. Not a problem for me. I’m a child of the Sixties, plus I don’t miss something I’ve never been able to do. But drinkers can be obnoxiously pushy. “Have just one. Just taste it. What’s wrong, don’t you want to have

Yep! Also, next time you watch an old movie and there is drinking, pay attention to how small the glasses are. Now they sell glasses that can legit have an entire bottle poured into them.

Remember the high rate of infant mortality that was prevalent until very recently. A child with FADS or other problems would have had a harder time surviving than nowadays when they might go straight to NICU and have supportive care.

You don’t see that many paintings of people with tumors hanging off of their face, either, but we know people in ye olden times were walking around untreated. Every once in a while I see a person who’s completely covered in warts, but I don’t see him on TV. Why do you think painters would take the effort to paint

Give me an Elle Fanning or someone who seems to embody the time and woman a little bit.

Keep in mind that child mortality rates were very high in those days. FAS children probably were more likely to die before adulthood than were non-FAS ones.

Seriously, what’s up with that? I don’t drink because I don’t like the heavy buzzy feeling I get and wine makes me feel like circling the drain. It’s MY preference, I am NOT missing out on anything, and NO I don’t want to drive your drunk asses all around. Weed on the other hand...

Or a vast conspiracy of corruption and and favoritism has caused an organised elite ring of furries to win all China’s lotteries.

After taxes my dad got a lot less than 4 million, but still a lot of money. He paid off mine and my sister’s student loans, which were about a 100 grand each and paid off my parent’s house. My family is working class, having that money allowed my parents to not have to worry paycheck to paycheck but my extended family

Girl scouts park in front of all the local grocery stores around here. Usually without any girls in sight. Not to mention the cubicle sales without any girls present. Just give her her dues. She actually did something rather than the super moms that usually do it for the kid.

I don’t know why your comment reminds me of this but it does:

Just because she didn’t have money then doesn’t mean she doesn’t have money now.