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From across the big pond I offer you Nightwish.

I used to know a guy who called his old hearse his ‘vampire camper’.

The German wiki page on shootings at German schools covers 140 years and only lists 10 incidents. I know that list is likely not complete (sword girl is obviously not listed as that wasn’t a shooting) and wikipedia is not a citeable source, but that’s quite a difference.

In one of the most famous Japanese cases the attacker, a little girl, used a box cutter. People tend to get creative when guns are not easily available.

That happened in Germany where attacks on school are pretty rare. She is the only case of a female attacker I ever heard of.

There is also a missing ‘b’ on Kimberly’s cross.

Just send them away for the year Hogwarts-style. Come to think of it, even all the shit that went down in Hogwarts seems harmless in comparison.

“Character does not stand still. It can gather strength. It can also deteriorate. What a person really is, is only apparent when the test comes—that is, the moment when you stand or fall on your own feet.”

I too was a quiet loner in school who got bullied by students and teachers, and I owned several trench coats over the years for what it’s worth. I also love video games and have gothy tendencies, but I never had the urge to inflict harm on others. Granted, I’m a woman and grew up in Europe.

And if the father is already married the answer is sister wives.

It was no highway.

Don’t ‘abortion’ and ‘single mothers’ contradict each other? Is one worse than the other? What if a woman has an abortion because she knows she would be on her own? What if she has a door at home? I no longer understand my own rambling, but I guess it still makes more sense than this.

That sounds like something Ninja Sex Party would do.

I’m still confused about Henry/Harry. It doesn’t even make the original name shorter.

To my knowledge they are just any pair of clunky sneakers that are worn for anything but sports. My dad doesn’t wear sneakers at all, so I can’t elaborate.

The small road behind my former house was called ‘In hell’. It was a dead end that lead to a playground. Sometimes life is better than any joke I could come up with.

You mean ****ercream birthday cakes.

What about Twatt in New Zealand?

I think the mom had to explain why there were three hyphens on the cake. But if they had made the S a bit more swirly, Summa would look like a crudely drawn dick. That would get the point across too.

WFT, he almost looks the right age to be my dad — I’m 27.