Look at the date the article on tokyoweekender was published.
Look at the date the article on tokyoweekender was published.
The last I heard of Jessica was in nursing school. I don’t remember if it was her account or from another student, but there were pictures of her in a dorm with her friends there. Out of all the kids she seems to be doing the best so far.
Who runs Liz Tayler’s twitter account? Or has the afterlife incredible wifi?
That’s probably the reason they never had sex, vampire morals and the fear of a weird CGI baby.
With their new album ‘immaculate collection’.
Wasn’t there a rumor that she was in hospital for something?
Isn’t that how wetnurses used to work?
Mae West?
I had this from Kotaku in mind. (It’s the one with the ghost obviously, in case it refuses to load again.)
I keep most of my jewellery and makeup in empty Rocher containers.
Maybe it has a large basement like the Fritzl house?
Our former local clergyman was like that. Out of 6 children only one, the oldest, could be considered ‘healthy’. She also has some minor issues, but compared to the others who all need 24/7 care she is at least able to live on her own.
There were women who had live babies in concentration camps.
It took me almost half a year to realize that my neighbours had gotten divorced and that she no longer lived there. I only realized when some of their mail ended up at my house and when I put it into their mailbox her name was scratched out.
If the 17-year-old was so malnourished that she looked like 10 it must have gone on for longer.
As much as I hated school (due to bullying), I’m often glad that homeschooling is illegal where I live.
You should have used that one.
Depending on your phone this would be an entire cock block.
I was put on hormonal birth control because my cycle was so out of tune. It was (and sometime still is) normal for me to miss one or two periods in a row or have them only 2 weeks apart.
I have no rhythm that I could use for that method. My periods would give that app the bluescreen of death.