I think my mother’s favourite hobby when I was a kid was boiling vegetables into defeat and then annihilating them in the microwave. It took me years to realize that most vegetables weren’t supposed to be brown/beige.
Liposuctions always look as if they’re trying to saw the patient in half.
That sounds like a very badly named facility for people who are too obese to live on their own.
Now I wonder what the Ministry of Love would bake into their granola bars.
Where you the guy who sat next to me on the bus and kept ranting this story to someone else? It’s the exact same scenario.
But then German customs would detain most of his pets again.
All jokes aside, their original estate Schloss Molsberg is just a stone’s throw away from where I live.
That one is a legit title at least.
War is the oldest sport in the world.
The fact that they had to explain the relationship Americans have with guns to other people is troubling.
He wasn’t one of the shooting victims, if that’s any relief for you.
Herzlichen Glückwunsch und alles Gute!
So far we only know that he had a private pilot license and wasn’t a veteran. ISIS claims he converted to Islam months ago, but they’d claim to have stolen a kid’s candy if that was reported in the news.
It’s past 6pm where I live, go ahead.
I only separate dark clothes; towels, washcloths and cleaning stuff that needs a hot wash; and the rest. I only make an exception for new stuff, but after a while it moves on to one of the three catogeries.
My grandmother knew her and told us.
I learned that in art class, but this wouldn’t be the first time one of my teachers was wrong about something. My music teacher was convinced that Paul was the only member of the Beatles still alive.