There were times when artist were allowed to use only male models. That’s also why so many paintings of children look weird. I guess they tried to imagine which parts of the body would be different and then winged it.
There were times when artist were allowed to use only male models. That’s also why so many paintings of children look weird. I guess they tried to imagine which parts of the body would be different and then winged it.
I was trying to figure out where they got the idea that Slenderman accepts sacrifices. In all the different versions I’ve seen that was never part of the story. In some of them Slenderman actually harms people who harm children.
I was hoping for some advice on how to successfully live a double life from either the letter or the answer.
Even when it seems that the kids are still too young to understand the whole situation, it still leaves an impression on them. My paternal grandmother (we’re German) had some deeply ingrained Nazi beliefs (explained away with being a very conservative Catholic). She died when I was only seven, but during my early…
Dr Seuss is virtually unknown in the non-English-speaking world, so I’ve never read one of his books. Is it the same kind of racism that books of a certain age have as a product of their time?
And they’re separated by solid wall of concrete/marble.
If it weren’t such an enormous waste of money and resources, I’d love to throw out the underwear I had to wear during my period each month.
Writing in English on a German phone once again leads to interesting results. I’m not sure if the word ‘beaty’ even exists.
Maybe they were living in that house like the witch in Hänsel and Gretel.
The only advantage is that you can still wear them as normal socks because nobody can see the print.
To be fair, she has her own salons and sells her own beaty products. She also graduated from beaty school. I’ll give her some credit for that.
Can you actually eat those elaborate ones or are they just for decoration?
a TV, a gingerbread house, and an iPhone
My dad always had a big framed picture of a naked woman at a beach (more artsy than Playboy). It didn’t leave any lasting impression on me. But he never did any ‘tantric work’, what ever that is.
Cross-dressing which way around?
Harbinger Down
How can you sleep diagonally while someone else is in the same bed?
As an only child it’s almost like studying a different culture.
Reading the comments here, I think my parents did me a great favour by making me an only child. My mother doesn’t have any siblings either. My dad had a whole busload and most of them no longer talk to each other.
Now if someone could explain all the abandoned underwear I see.