
I’m not handing out a prize for World Most Moral Celebrity. I’m deciding whether to watch a piece of entertainment. When I do that, my main question is, “Is this something I’ll enjoy?” Whether an entertainer cheats on his wife, or recycles, or plants trees on Arbor Day does not factor into the answer to that question.

One thing to note is that you don’t actually have to hit play on Netflix to start watching something. All one has to do is select something to read the description, and in a few seconds the app will decide that you’re definitely interested enough to begin watching whatever it is. No doubt it’s some stupid programming

I also question the apples-to-apples of it. People who get dressed, travel to a theater and pay their $11 to specifically see one thing aren’t really comparable to people who’ve already paid their $15 and are just settling for something to have on in the background while they fidget with their phones/iPads.

I don’t know what “get away with” means in this context.  The fact that John Mulaney may have cheated on his wife does not make him any less funny, and funny’s what I’m watching his shows to see.  He’s not a friend of mine.

I actually was friends with multiple couples like this and all but one have ended in divorce.  There was the typical drama like cheating but at the end of the day with all of them(and I suspect what may have be the big thing with these two), is that one of them started pushing 40 and changed their mind about wanting

this definitely doesn’t sound like a bunch of shit you made up

When you set yourself on fire with drugs, you’re not hurting anyone else, though.

You gotta admit, it’s REALLY funny to see comment after comment talking about how we just can’t know for sure, golly gee, but also [probably she’s lying somehow, and here’s some random extrapolation from a gossip column].

Blaming Mulaney for the end of their marriage is one sided.”

At least he didn’t set himself on fire with his drugs, or use them to rape admirers.

I think the most important thing to remember is that Mulaney is clearly a cartoon mouse who got turned into a human by a curse of some kind.

“But I also think not trying to drag his ex”

Kinda where I’m at with it. My only real thought is holy SHIT I hope his kid turns out alright.

I couldn’t imagine being with someone that was: (1) maniacally narcissistic; (2) incredibly insecure; (3) addicted to cocaine; and (4) in high demand. That is a recipe for absolute disaster, though I suspect is not uncommon for rising star entertainers/comedians/actors. For what it’s worth, it seems like both she and

maybe we should wait to read the fucking book to find out whether what she’s doing is “respectable” (according to you) or not

Mulaney would get a TON of backlash if he tried to do a comedy routine on his ex. It’s definitely a lose/lose situation and I think he smart enough to see that, I am not sure he is doing it out of respect. 

Did her “heartbreak and rage” maybe come from whenever they tried to kiss, their cheekbones would slash their faces or poke out their eyes?

Men Have Called Her Crazy will also be a good title for this comment section in a few hours.

I know Mulaney is a piece of shit who cheated on his wife with strippers and then got another woman pregnant while she was in the hospital but I just love him and think he's one of the best comedians out there.

John Lithgow: “The same thing happened to me!”