
I don’t have anything against this series in general, but people who give a shit about the mythology of the John Wick universe are my fourth least favorite kind of people. It’s a dude who kills everyone all the time in different locations. Sometimes he kills everyone in a discotheque. Sometimes in a knife museum.

the most high profile, ant-fascist punk band at the time.”

Someone on the internet told me Novence is the nine version of Twice. On account of this group has nine people which seems like too many. 

Girrrrrrl! Shit.

This group should be called Novence 


Or if there’s any discussion of how DH and the littles reacted to it. Your kids have shit taste, Brenda!

Many, if not most, large venues have exclusivity deals with Ticketmaster. If the Cure (or other big deal acts) were willing to play multiple nights at smaller venues they could figure out how to do so without Ticketmaster. That’s more work for less money, so it’s easier to let Ticketmaster ruin the fan experience and

Maybe he thought it was going to be masturbatory and terrible and wanted to spend his Sunday doing something fun.

Yeah that’s fair.

I think this comment got me banished to the greys. 

I also don’t see things. 

I like that so many of these are from a time before our moms were born. It’s nice when contemporary film writing shows any awareness of history. 

How do you know both Fiennes didn’t audition?

Hey on the one hand, fuck Rolling Stone. On the other, you leave Joan Baez alone! 

He’s just really cute and everyone wants to hug and kiss him. 

Marlon Wayans is a little late to jump on this controversy for attention.

What man is in her league? 

Listen I’ll never say a single negative thing about Chili, but that baby’s gonna come out a ball of autistic fingers. That’s too old, girl! Just enjoy your amazing everything as is.

I recall him saying, I believe on Kelly Rippa’s show, that he chose his name as he was influenced by John Cage.”