
You can tell things aren’t going great for them because this is the very first time I’ve seen a picture of MGK with his mouth closed.

They were still pretty proggy for a while after Gabriel left. An early trio hit like Turn It On Again had a fair bit of metric modulation. 

Me too. The checking off of the mandatory will they/wont they plot beats is so transparent and predictable in a way that the rest of the show’s humor and pathos manages to avoid.


Nonsense. it’s a very good joke and you’re a fine person. 

I’m not going to misspell a word just because someone thought it was a cool idea 35 years ago.

I watched a ton of Nick at Night as a kid in the 90s. Taxi and Cheers (which was syndicated all over the place) were absolutely my jam.

Adam West. You think Christian Bale could pull of that bomb sequence from Batman 66? Well yeah probably. I’m not very dedicated to this argument. 

Without that massacre, they never would have made the movie Some Like It Hot. I’d gladly trade the lives of seven Irish criminals for a Billy Wilder masterpiece.

she felt a lot of shame around the fact that their relationship began when Gilbert was still married to someone else.”

Did you find that she had no testicles, rendering your secret weapon ineffective? 

Now playing

Cool. Looks like they had fun making it. Anyway, I can’t encounter a mention of MJ and Nike in the 80s without thinking about this song

Nobody pegged him for the GOAT”

Now playing

And 1975. This song is fantastic no matter the arrangement

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My very favorite performances of Bacharach songs. Jim O’Rourke and Haruomi Hosono

I didn’t feel like they actually committed to the environment of the setting. Many of the attitudes and depictions of queer culture and most of the music was distinctly post-war or later. And the big group emotional climax at the end of the season finale (an injured player being carried around the diamond after

Mick Foley is a mensch. 

I get treated like a weirdo for saying Mick Foley is the only trustworthy man with a goatee, and then Gen Xers just keep proving me correct.