
I’m just going to pretend she announced a collaboration with Converge. It’s gonna be accessibly brutal. Good for Dolly. 

You guys really nailed the “yes v no” debate. 

Now playing

I just started watching Black Bird over the weekend. It’s such a compelling performance.

Best character on Girls? Peter Scolari’s penis.

If that’s the case, then where did it come from?”

“Whenever we start streaming something the video quality is atrocious for the first 5-10 seconds”

I’m really sorry that people don’t have more respect for your comedy. I imagine this is how Andy Kaufman and Jerry Lawler felt in 1982. 

Is that a threat? 

For real. Nothing that gets declared the GOAT is ever as great as that pet goat from Oklahoma that saved its family from a house fire.

This smells like sponcon, but I can’t imagine John Green or Tumblr paying the AV Club for anything. 

A man’s gotta have a code. 

No. It was a very bad 3 camera sitcom. 

What’s wrong with his right hand?

Senor Octubre would be ashamed!

I’m sure Whoopi could book an appearance on a podcast if she wanted to. 

That was the most shocking thing about the whole NXVM story. Why did anyone ever listen to that dork? 

I completely blanked out Rhea Seehorn having been in Whitney! All I remembered was Maulik Pancholy leaving 30 Rock for the first season of Whitney and then getting out of that mess and back to 30 Rock as quickly as possible.

I’m the kind of drunk who tips on the higher side of okay and knows when to leave a bartender alone. I receive exclusively pretty good to great service.

more props to AOC to be able to get that close to Gaetz without getting skeeved out and running.”

Once again her experience as a bartender pays off. Can’t work a public facing job in Union Square without developing a bulletproof douche shield. 

Yeah I’m not a lawyer so I can’t help you there.