
I will also not see it. Who else can we tell? Even though I already told my mom, the mail lady, everyone here at the AV Club, and my dog,  I feel like I need to get the word out to a wider audience.

I just dont wanna pretend a bunch of blue people running around is the prestige film event of the year”


“Diana, you can’t just say you take back your wish and expect anything to happen.”

That’s not as impressive as it sounds. He lives next door to Roy Choi. Dude ate leftover kimchi quesadillas for half a year and claimed it was Method.

Drip is the same as swagger. I think the inciting metaphor was that if someone was wearing a lot of ice (diamonds) they’d be so hot that they melted said ice, causing it to drip.

The lead is Phil Collins’s daughter who you might recognize from Mank (if you’re a Fincher fan) or as Snow White in that terrible movie where Julia Roberts played the evil queen.

The only other thing I know about the show is that its use of setting apparently equally offended Chicagoans and Parisians. 

I kept swinging back and forth between overreacting to the anachronistic use of his little Kodak Vollenda camera indoors without a flash and thinking, “Hey this is pretty entertaining.”

It was inappropriate then too. I thought that was the joke. 

I’m imagining Jim Hanks calling to wish him good luck.

Why would Stern exist if not to say things people were already saying years ago as though they were novel insights? 

Not recently and not anti semitic (at least not publically). His infamous racist rant in the 70s was against black African and Caribbean immigrants. But, you know, when someone says shit like, “Keep Britain white” or supported politicians like Enoch Powell who advocated for replacement theory, it’s maybe fair to

As a stockholder,”

The internet is so sloppy. Get it together, people. 

I don’t understand why so many people disrespect her very public decision to stay out of electoral politics.”

Weird. I would not have pegged that as a multi-season series. Any cliffhanger-y type stuff just seemed like typical horror “ooh this isn’t actually over” late-story stinger type stuff. 

That’s a very well tailored double-breasted jacket. 

I bet his moisturizer routine involves at least five daily products. 

Are pieces fallling off us or something?”

For me it’s the line “I do deny them my essence.”