
Aww come on. I just wanted to try it once.

It’s “Adams Devine”

Good lord. This place has no standards.

Well there go my hopes that it’ll be Matt Berry.

people regularly see movies that don’t pander to them, or are difficult to watch (foreign films, movies about the holocaust or other genocides, etc.)“

pandering to straight people would have defeated the purpose of the movie, which was to create a queer romance movie that embraced and subverted the tropes of the rom-com.”

The first three words of this headline filled me with such hopes and then it just ended up being about some rich person’s dumb wiener kids.

I would watch that. It would be interesting to see Tarantino get that deep into digital fuckery. 

Sony should just buy George of the Jungle from Disney and re-release it as Tarzan. It’ll be better than whatever they come up with on their own.

Alternately, make a 2 million dollar feature length porno and release it in 25 minute increments on Pornhub premium. That’s the only area of entertainment in which Burroughs’s

he’s the only funny one of the group”

Though being the funny person out of a group with a musician and a Youtuber is hardly rousing praise. 

Compared to the age of the planet, marriage has been around for, like, a second longer than dabbing.

Now playing

Agreed! My second favorite is when Jeff Winger is so handsome that the Dean spontaneously ejaculates in the middle of the hallway. aka Look at his shadow! 

because they branded themselves as vaguely funny, uber-devoted husbands.”

deeply nuanced, deeply human”

Bobby Ode: Double Deep 

Who is this person and why does she hate shirts? 

or are you just trolling?”

Surname “Cheese on Rye”

So many of them complain that they’re the ignored generation, but I suspect they would all prefer to ignore the fact that they were the generation that bought 4 million copies of Sugar Ray’s third album.

Why did you just reference lyrics from two classic rock songs? 

Thank you. That is a fun fact.