
We are just pure apathy given form.”

I always hoped she would marry a guy whose surname was Rabe.

Nice. I’ll watch that.

Well. I’ll pirate it. Apple already got enough money from me.

Interrogation of the motivations of the ostensible victims may have been a goal. I don’t think it was accomplished. I’m very worried the second season will be a platform for Salzman trying to excuse her own actions. 

Pretty much.


They obviously planned to kill Jimmy Darmody eventually because there was no narrative way that he was going to last long after the attempted hit on Nucky failed. What I’ve read (which runs counter to the official claims from the producers) is that they sped up that timeline because Pitt was

The Vow spent far too much time on the smaller details of the self-improvement system that Raniere was hawking. To the point where it makes it possible for a viewer to come away thinking it was a reasonable philosophy bastardized by an evil man. That is, obviously, not the case. It was incoherent fraud from the start

Why is that a question? 

My sister-in-law got a hysterectomy and was told to take over the counter pain meds after she left the hospital”

I guess Tiffany dropped some of that Girlstrip money under the table to make this go away. Spears contributed $150 for good measure. 

They should do a one-off Bond movie with Matt Berry as a Bond who mostly sits at a piano. Cleanse the palette and then they pick whichever young action is going to be stuck in the role until 2035.

Disney’s not gonna blow you, dude. 

Remember when the Millennium Falcon emptied its waste tanks while flying over a grated bridge in Chicago and ended up dumping hundreds of pounds of human waste onto an unsuspecting tour boat?

“ I bet all those years playing the dour character on Mad Men was probably kind of rough for him, seriously.”

Now playing

Holy shit you’re right! It was during the horrible “fantasy” season. Roseanne and fam are on a train that gets hijacked by terrorists and she kicks their asses. Seagal appears as a psychic ninja vision in the final minute of the episode

But will Top Gun win for the people choosers’ favorite sound mixing? We’ll have to watch to find out. 

All entertainment award shows are a joke. 

How come this publication never covers the People’s Choice Awards? That’s still a thing. I just checked. It’s on TV and everything. 

That’s interesting! I never knew it was like a Gatorade situation. 

Wait. Was Astroglide originally developed to lubricate climate-controlled buttholes in the Astrodome?

I surprised myself with how easy it was for me to decide I don’t need Star Wars in my life. When I was 20 I never would have imagined that I could get so sick of that universe.