
And Ash will forget her, like he does with everyone who travel with him.Man, wish Ash would grow up like Red

He said the controllers are “very comfortable”

Doesn’t look like it would be difficult for those to be made. What I really want, though, is these:


My family grew up very poor, so we got a ton of gaming stuff second hand, or broken from neighbors. SInce my twin brother and I have a birthday very close to christmas, we usually shared a gift if it wasn’t clothes. On christmas day, My aunt surprised us with an N64 with a purple controller, with some of her bonus,

Yes big problem. Got a friend worked at GameStop at least twice a week there was someone going to get Wii remotes, DS stylus and other accessories because they were thrown out windows, lost in the black abyss between the couch cushions, left at in random places they don’t remember, got put away in the toy boxes and

Nintendo systems are not for kids, they’re for people who were kids 25 years ago.

*Turns around to get fries*

This looks like a fire hazard in cutesy outfits.

Actually, let’s do it. Send me an e-mail stephentotilo at kotaku dot com. We’ll see how boring you are.

Lol shippers never learn, no one’s stuck around for more than a season after May

X&Y was the first season I watched since Johto ended. While i was first resistant to the idea of Serena, because Misty, she turned out to be a great character. I hope she eventually comes back.

Someone had to be. If it wasn’t you, it was gonna be me

That’s not fan fiction, but cannon.

I know theres gonna be some bitter people in the comments who havent seen the show in a while and say people are idiots for thinking she would go to the next region and stay with Ash. Like if Misty couldnt stay, how could this person work out?

I only beat Super Mario Sunshine for the first time on Thursday. I had the game when it originally came out.

Once, when I was 5 or 6, my entire family (me, mom, dad, sister) managed to take turns at SMB2, get to the very last level, and fight the boss. The parents did most of the heavy lifting (not that I realized it back then), but that was still the closest I ever got to beating a Super Mario game prior to Super Mario

No shame in that. I can’t recall ever completing a Mario game Ever. I remember playing most of them but never played them all the way to the end.

Yeah, I play Smash casually and absolutely couldn’t imagine maintaining the stage awareness required to pull something like this off without killing myself, my partner, or completely opening myself up to the opponent. It is a lot of fun! It’s very fast-paced, while also being simultaneously very welcoming to newcomers

In Smash, after you’ve used your up-B attack as a triple-jump, you can’t act again. You can see Cloud use his when he leaps upward in midair (below the stage), swinging his sword. You regain the ability to act—and therefore jump more—when you’re struck by an attack. Pikachu hits Cloud with his lightning bolt after