
so telling the world on social media that, you a white lady calling your white teen son (while at the same time raising an "adopted" Black child she poached from Malawi, who you'd think she'd be more sensitive of even if he's too young to understand yet) then eschewing all criticism of her usage then blaming your

PoF is scraping the bottom of the barrel. I have a few friends that met their long term partners there and they're genuine decent people but the amount of lovers you have to interact with is just too many before you find someone you can even have a conversation with and even then the odds are they're probably a

Thank you for your reply.

Anyways Troll face. The point of what I was getting to is the whole only school & work route still doesn't guarantee prosperity. Did you know there are humans who grow up in poverty. Then they listen to the adults in there life tell them to only make school a priority because they've been fooled to believe this

So you agree with unpaid internships. The ones that disadvantage poor students because they don't have the means to work >40 hours a week for free. Are you a Republican? What's it like to have rich parents as a safety net?

No Melissa Ford is Rihanna's best friend. She's almost always with her in pics. I'm pretty sure that's her.

Year the whole shoot seemed to have this Lolita theme I thought it was disturbing.

No I think that's her friend Melissa Ford

Year I'm not sure that whole working & studying thing works for everyone What's your advice for someone who made education and work the centre of the world from age 13-22 forsaking friends, social life, and relationships under the illusion of delayed gratification working hard to play later. Including working hard

That's because he's 4 they're like sponges under the age of 10.

Your reading comprehension and you kinesthetic knowledge could use some work. My friend works for Kumon, I could get you a discount.

not as much as yours hate you and turned you into a troll.

crossfit addict/heavy weights addict/preacher of the stolen bible here. That ass ain't real. I'm over here doing pistal squats, deadlifts, air squat and my quads are pretty defined now. I workout 3-5 time a week I wish I could go more often if DOMs and my stupid ass job wasn't a factor. My ass game is weak, blame

squats are quad centric exercise and she not have the quad definition to back that up. I don't know why people think that it will make your ass bigger. The Glutes aren't the primary muscles worked. She's probably worked hard at the gym but that ass is not for squats. She does not have the quad definition to back that

I know this woman didn't get to where she is in her career by being stupid. I hope she doesn't believe that bullshit.

safe dropping that's also due to your idiot senders not specifying they don't want it done

i work for a postal company in the usa's self righteous liberal cousin and people calling in to track shit are so fucking annoying. they don't get the concept scans only tell you where an item has been not where it is now. or explaining how we didn't get an item because the courier for who they ordered from is fucking

Agreed. But I don't like her as a model because of how she got there. Using the fashion industries narrow standards she's the total package - tall, thin, great bone structure, a little exotic, etc. I just find her photos boring. I look at the work of other popular high fashion models like Naomi Campbell, Crystal Renn,

Plus men's styles don't really change as often as women's I would think that's also a factor.

Im going to go slaughter a goat to curry in celebration