
I totes agree they should just stick to shootin' negroes and leave those poor baby animals alone!

:( Not righteously indignant at all I just feel bad that you seem upset by this. I understand where you're coming from as an animal lover. It seems weird but not a lot of people live within a 5/10 distance of farms that breed chicks commercially. Its a system that's been in place for decades and it works. It seems

Mail facilities are temperature controlled and there are rules and special indicators for those processing them to follow. I know how bad the idea it sounds but it actually works very well. Out of all the shipments we hear about honestly issues with shipping day old baby chicks is extremely rare.

certain types of batteries are flammable and can interfere with the equipment on the aircraft.

i work for a major postal service in north america where this is common. day old baby chicks. its always disappointing denying people indemnification if they die cause some sorter didn't read and placed the box in a drafty area.

and it was only available on itunes.

I used to dislike her, and now when I think about it I don't know why. She's confident, always has great comebacks, and she just seems to be someone who is marching to the beat of her own drum and I've really grown to like her. She's obviously not the greatest singer but she's definitely a taste maker and I'm glad she

Yeah, I want to love Rhonda Rousey because she dominates he sport, she speaks her mind and she's an all around bad ass but she's said some shit about women that boarders on slut shamey and transphobic. I know that not everyone's perfect but it just bothers me how she speaks so loudly about women being strong and

I feel like that part about boy's/men's idea of what is attractive is relevant. I'm fairly tall young Black woman. I've always been really shy and self conscious, and I was made fun of a lot as a kid, teen, and sometimes now as a young adult. Mostly comments about my body or even indirect comments men and women make