
Between this and John Oliver's expert take on why the lottery is BS from a little while back, I am certainly starting to believe that the universe is finally trying to batter home the "don't play the lottery" message. The time has finally come!

"Everything is awesome


Mass Effect. Indoctrination Theory. The end.


Seriously, that's incorgible.


Peter Bishop - Fringe. Couldn't stand him at first, but he did turn out well.

this'll really get their panties in a twist!!!!!

It was a clerical error.

Well then how the fuck did SMU not get in???

I'm sure his next show will be about a brave, intelligent tv and film writer who attempts to nobly tell it like it is with his scripts while being beset on all sides by shrewish, ungrateful women, one of whom is named "Schmalena Schmith."

ETA: He can call the show "Penis Mightier Than the Sword."

Sorkin is right. He's a dick, but he's right. It's not about violating confidentiality per se, but about not feeling like anything you say in a writers' room might end up on someone's lame and whiny Twitter feed. I've worked on TV shows, I don't think it ever even needed to be said you don't publicly scold your

Sorkin's strongest belief is that no on in the world is or has ever been as wise, deep, and logical as he is, and I find that painful to watch even with I agree 100% with the points he's making. I was huge fan of his early stuff (Sports Night, the first few years of West Wing), but his clear love affair with himself

This is a testament of todays fucked up "instant journalism". First RS publishes a story without properly fact checking on behalf of the accuser "Jackie" who did not name names at first. Then they retract along with the WaPo thereby hanging the alledged rape victim out to dry, which is fubar imo. Today they, along

You put that tea down right now OR ELSE!!

This whole article is so wrong and off-base about so many things I don't even know where to begin. But this might be the stupidest part: "Why, on the LA episode, is there a lengthy interlude about the desert outside the city because Queens of the Stone Age once recorded there, but can't even make a gesture towards

People can't even be fucked to follow links to source materials when provided, so getting the average reader to step back from a given article and seek outside perspective on their own isn't very likely.

You know if he had so much as mentioned her or Hole there's a 50% chance that the next day she'd file suit for half the profits of both the series and the album.