
Heh. Maximum Entertainment Value for the win.

Did you notice the no responses to your comment? I did.

Not exactly. The information published was massaged a bit. The guy who designed the program (so take it for what its worth) is saying that useful information was produced during a normal interrogation after having been interrogated via enhanced techniques. The idea was to dissuade the interrogated person from holding

I choose option 3: go masturbate to Black Widow pics.

Fortunately for police, this story has a happy ending. The boy on the right was later charged.

I don't know about 75th anniversary celebrations, but the Castro Theatre is doing a double feature on Dec 28th of Gone with the Wind and Django Unchained.

I think this shit causes so many problems bc sometimes you don't know one key thing about a significant other until it's too late: are they interested in building a life with their best match, or are they always going to be looking over the current partner's shoulder to trade up? I'm a grown up. Even if I see a man

You're not imagining it, and the tribalism doesn't stop at pop music. Keep taking the high road.

Agreed. I don't think I could make a baby as cute as my dog.

I just re-re-re-watched that two nights ago! Such a great flick, and such a great explication of "the widespread destruction that male stupidity can cause". Keep an eye on those precious bodily fluids, y'all.

This is my dad's favorite movie. I remember being about four or five and being like, "Where do I get one of THOSE?"

My experience as someone having watched a family go through something similar is that the task of processing an event like what you experienced is that while everyone knows it takes a long time to get over, it also seems to happen in surprising ways and comes from unexpected places, like say, an archeological dig

"Mom? Dad came to me in a dream last night. He said he wanted to go visit Uncle George. Should I get him ready?"

Wouldn't it be worth the financial and physical investment to put together an effort to remove all that crap? At least the easier-to-reach stuff on the surface and just below it? I can understand how the stuff at the bottom of the oceans is just going to have to be written off, but all that junk just laying right

I feel the same way about the NFC South, Cam
