
I wouldn't worry too much about Brian Mitchell walking away. He always returns.

I'm confused. The rapes happened in 1969? When Cosby was already prominent due to the Cosby Show? Should that read 1989?


I believe what you mean to say is:

Thank you! How do people not realize that all this shit happened before Kim?

Feeling so vindicated I stopped with Downton right now. If I wanted frigid and cold relationships, I'd just live my own life. [BA DUM CHA]

Are there any actual celebrities, white black or otherwise who you would want to go to a dating website based on their own personal philosophy about men and women?

I would like to be on one managed by Amy Poehler and Tina Fey, where they regularly send you encouraging emails about how awesome you are and respond to reports of harassment by publicly mocking the guys and banning them from the site.

Something I've been wondering about after years of watching Cake Boss and the like (thanks, honey!):

I'm very much pro-choice, but a 28-week pregnancy is very, very far from a "collection of cells" - this case (in 1989) was from a time where the viability limit was significantly later than it is now. The limit of viability is now 23 weeks, and at 29 weeks, you have a >90% chance of survival and >50% without deficits.

I love how they explored the idea that Abraham needed to believe him for his own survival. Their relationship is symbiotic.

Kurt Warner isn't taking to the internet to call for genocide, though, and he does have that going for him.

Look, the guy's black and wearing "urban clothes" and he's doing something with his hands; if that's not evidence of gang activity I don't know what is.

I Love how all these media outlets have picked up on this (though mostly just Gawker leading the way), and it seems pretty obvious to me that this is a fake blog. And, even if the blog is real, are comments on an obscure blog now considered valid media sources?

Or closer to the hole in the ozone she made with the hairspray to hold it.

Demand justice? If the fucking MPAA and RIAA haven't been able to make piracy go away, what the hell chance does anyone else have? FFS, the internet practically runs on free tits.

Absolute garbage? Don't you think Simmons is overreacting just a bit?

Seriously, Isha? Toxins???

"Honestly, Taylor Swift should hit a real bodega, get a greasy egg and cheese and a coffee that she shakes up while unsuccessfully covering it with a napkin—spilling some of it on her outfit—hop on the train or, even better, a bus, while reading the Page Six, and stop by and take a selfie in front of Chico's last