
I had a LOT of Quiznos while knocked up. Everything goes through the toaster oven thingy anyway so didn't have that awkward time at Subway while they nuked your sandwich only if you asked. The one thing my OB said was to make sure my food was cooked thoroughly so that's what I did. I really missed my medium rare steak

Anonymous is busy doxxing the wrong guy's step-mom.

I feel that we need a law similar to Godwin's when it comes to athlete's compensation. Once someone brings up slavery and plantations the argument is over and that person loses.

I was a teen right before smart phone ubiquity and can't even imagine how bad my insomnia would've been if that were added to the equation — I was up until at least 1 am every night just ironing my hair, reading COSMOGirl!, posting on The Strokes' fan forum, writing incredibly cringe-y stuff in my diary, giggling with

"It truly was a great sack..."

That is some calculating Tywin Lannister shit right there.

I think it is mostly due to women don't want minivans and the crossovers are a nice alternative.

Aren't these new commenting rules supposed to prevent us from watching gifs of girls hurling nasty shit?

A young black girl armed like that would never stand a chance in Ferguson.

I learned from a 45-year-old country song exactly why God made girls: to tell off the shaming bigots of the Harper Valley PTA.

Someone needs to teach her better taste in both shoes and men if she is looking for and dating men who are as worthless and need as much help as she describes.

I love "Firefly" but Fox made the right call on that. Sure, they didn't treat the show well, knocking it around on the schedule and making it hard to find in the days before the dvr. But that happened to plenty of shows and some of them survived. "Firefly" had consistently dismal ratings and the fact that the movie,

Shhh! The success of the master plan depends upon its secrecy, because we are the first generation to EVER think of killing our parents.

I agree it depends on the job and the need to be onsite for the tasks at hand. Also employers are very aware that "telecommuting" is often 2 hours of work (maybe) and 6 hours of distraction around the house.

Love your point, but hate your username so... so very much. *cries in the corner*

Or they don't want their partner seeing anyone else but want to see someone else themselves.

What you say is true; however, Emma has a point. If our society didn't set monogamy up as the be-all, end-all of "normal" adult relationships and acknowledge that there are plenty of healthy alternatives and not shame the people that opt for those with consenting adult partners (or no partners) than there likely

I just want to be clear on the selection bias. They're using ONLY data from people that cheat to say monogamy is a failure FOR EVERYONE. Isn't that a bit like using interviews with atheists to "prove" about how organized religion is a massive failure? I'm not defending either institution, but using those who have

Ya, I don't see the big deal about not releasing the name right away. Obviously they were waiting in order to protect the cop from being murdered. They need to let things settle for a few days. Otherwise, people would probably have gone over to that cops house and beat the shit out of him or killed him.

That only works if we assume that the FBI, the group actually investigating the shooting, isn't told either, which is ridiculous.