I don't think investors actually think cheap oil is bad news for Tesla. I think that saying "investors think" a certain thing typically comes from the mouths of people who have no clue what investors are actually thinking.
I don't think investors actually think cheap oil is bad news for Tesla. I think that saying "investors think" a certain thing typically comes from the mouths of people who have no clue what investors are actually thinking.
I gotta say I disagree. If God exists, it's a sure bet he's been trying to convince poor people to stop playing the lottery. This might just be the latest tactic.
I disagree. This is karma telling people that by playing the lottery, they might be giving money to scumbags.
I would too. That still doesn't change anything I said.
She's a joke. She's just not joking.
Maybe, but until the rest of the world can actually do anything to put us in our place, it will continue to be the normal attitude we have about things.
Agreed. If you were born and raised to Reaganite conservatives in suburbia, went to Whiteville ISD and attended a college like Hillsdale or whatever, you might genuinely believe some of the bullshit that gets spewed by Fox News, but this particular rant is so over the top that even a true believer can't say it with…
We lived 2 hours from any major metropolitan area when I was little so getting even a grainy signal was a major test of ingenuity and flexibility. My Dad and I could have taken home the gold if they had a team version of that sport.
Eh ...
"The United States of America is awesome," she said. "We are awesome. But we've had this discussion. We've closed the book on it, and we've stopped doing it. And the reason they want to have this discussion is not to show how awesome we are. This administration wants to have this discussion to show us how we're not…
This show is the most Aaron Sorkin-ey of Aaron Sorkin-ey things that ever Aaron Sorkin'd their way out of Aaron Sorkin's mind.
which Sorkin posited his belief that if he'd "written The Newsroom under a pseudonym, the reaction would've been much different."
If I was standing next to a famous female celebrity of comparable attractiveness to Lebron James, so like Kerry Washington or ScarJo or someone like that, and she went to put her arm around me for a photo, the last thing I'd be concerned about was her sweaty pits.
Ha! Yeah. That's why I made my comment. I haven't had to do it in awhile, but I spent a lot of time as a Star Trek loving teenager standing on a tiny window sill trying to get the bunny ears that had metal rods duct-taped to them in just the right position so I could watch what was still a highly grainy version of D…
I never said it was. I just pointed out that not everyone can afford a media library, so a private advocacy group, even one as awful as the PTC, (not the government) asking (not ordering) a station to cater it's advertising to an age appropriate audience (which makes free-market business sense anyways) isn't exactly…
There are still digital signal broadcasts. So not traditional bunny ears, but effectively the same thing.
Well, to be fair, my mind went exactly where the Royals don't want it to go when I saw this picture.
You're right, the PTC is an awful organization. Still though,asking for a stay from tits and violence during a kids special doesn't seem all that unreasonable. As I said elsewhere, at least they are throwing in violence. Normally the PTC has little to say about violence, and lots to say about sex.
I hate to be the fucking dingaling that rants on about classism when everyone is clearly just joking, but plenty of people still use bunny ears to tune in to stations like CBS who can't exactly afford big personal DVD collections.