Until you accidentally press the bottom of your screen and open your browser to the last page you were browsing that has a video involving two people, a watermelon and handcuffs.
Until you accidentally press the bottom of your screen and open your browser to the last page you were browsing that has a video involving two people, a watermelon and handcuffs.
Well, at least they are being consistent w/r/t violence and sex. Normally it seems like they ignore the former. I also have to say, that this request doesn't really bug me all that much. I mean, does a 5 year old watching Rudolph need to be subjected to tits, or worse, NCIS commercials?
I'm sure if you just type it a few more times, people will actually believe you.
So you admit that your attempt to delineate her from them was bullshit because by addressing her they give up all right to claim that they have any clue how to act "as if"?
I'm not sure the OP was doing that, but to me the issue is that if you are a celebrity and you don't want to have someone be seen as your equal, you can't address them.
When they choose to actually address her in their little arguments, they get rid of the distinction you raise when you say "which one of these things is not like the other".
Of the 4, she's the one you choose to unload on?
Don't underestimate the space-time continuum disrupting ability of this much stupidity and ridiculousness compressed into such a small group of people.
In a way, we're all Corgi Bride in the wonderful storybook wedding that is life.
What a dork.
I hope by "It's too bad" you really mean "Thank God".
Where's his hometown?
Many people would argue that the line is where your depiction of the culture moves into stereotypes that have negative connotations or are offensive. While I'm not Japanese, so I can't speak to whether they would find this offensive, I could understand why they might, though given how some aspects of Japanese culture…
Take care Kelly. I wouldn't even go near a TGI Fridays if I were you.
We doe sometimes. The problem is that our alternatives are respectively, That One Place With People Who Talk Kind of Funny, The Place Mel Gibson Did That One Movie About Before We Realized He Was An Insane Racist , and That One Place Where People Live Who Couldn't Keep Their Obnoxious Ancestors From Coming Over Here…
Just throwing it out there ... you might be over-thinking the reasons for Frozen's popularity.
If Christian Bale was named Muslim Bale - they prob wouldn't be crying about whitewashing in Exodus!
Because it is impossible to be wrong 100 percent of the time, no matter how close you come.
Bale seems like a good fit, pigmentation aside. Moses was a pretty angry dude who had a hard time controlling his emotions.