wtf is siblings day lol
wtf is siblings day lol
As long as Britain retains the Pitcairn Islands (where a third of the adult men are registered sex offenders) the sun won't set on the British Empire. Thanks paedophiles!
Yeah, that was pretty dumb too.
It lost me when Alderaan…Vulcan…the New Republic got blow'd up.
Yondu is the vassal of my foddah!
The Republican Party
I saw an episode of The Twilight Zone on the front page of my favorite porn site recently. I knew people could be kinky, just not THAT kinky.
I dunno, I always liked this one:
And The Maltese Falcon was adapted three times in ten years!
Hallmark party at Potter's mom's house!
The Rebootable Spider-Man
It's all part of Sheev Nixon's gloriously convoluted plan to eventually become Supreme Chancellor.
Uh, I'd also like to express my desire to drop some sick beats on that particular country.
I was saying "Feel the Boo-urns."
Oh, boy! I'm going to be so disappointed if Racquel Darrian is a tax fraudster.
How does he keep up with the Eggers like that?
Ewoks….need braces?
RIP Admiral Ackbar.
WELL!! We'll show Admiral Ackbar. Especially for that purple monkey dishwasher remark.
As a former film critic for my high school newspaper, I know more than a little about how to craft an arresting headline. Might I suggest an alternate?