When the thin skinned get their sensibilities hurt they tend to complain... loudly.
When the thin skinned get their sensibilities hurt they tend to complain... loudly.
When I bought my SL1 with 188k on the clock (poor college student), I replaced every maintenance item on that car and the only thing I remember struggling with was the front sway bar after a bushing install. Was actually a pretty good car... fond memories
The license plate on my motorcycle happens to be far enough up under the tail and at an angle that the toll cameras never happen to catch it.
I think vent mounts are a no go anywhere that it gets really hot. Ain’t no way I’m blocking a vent on a 100 degree day. I have the iottie touch 2 and while it’s one of the best mounts I’ve owned, the set screw securing the telescoping arm isn’t enough to keep a phablet from wobbling.
I’m in the market for a 540i and have been scouring the craigslists for a few months now looking for that perfect deal. This isn’t the one. Considering the mileage I think the asking is probably $3k more than it’s going to sell for. It’s a pre facelift too. If it was a touring, or an ‘03 M-Tech with this many miles…
I can use google, I can read, I can follow printed instructions. I can turn a wrench.
CCC iDrive is the only blemish I see here
In my six years in I had to buy the belt when I got to my first unit at Fort Hood, then we went to the vest, and finally to a vest with our name and unit sewn on white tape. The names were added after some junior enlisted tried to sneak back to his car and refused to give his name to a colonel (so the rumor went). Of…
You can make an offer, and at only $400 below asking I think they’d take $5k. Yours doesn’t have a sport package and friends don’t let friends buy BMW’s without the sport package.
Gotta love knee jerk reactions
If I had a chance to talk about cars over some beers with a well known enthusiast I would certainly choose one of the “old white men” over this list of pop culture rubbish. :)
Did you drive it like a normal car, or like a hybrid?
I think a smart criminal would use anonymous email from a public computer and use a pre-paid phone bought with cash.
I’m always on the look out for one of the diesel 5 speed chevette’s
Not an issue I particularly care about, but it is quite interesting to see the amount of hate that seems to be generated towards these people
I forgot, what was that 'ring time again?
Agreed! I'll support anyone that pisses off the politically correct or some 'protected minority'
One of the better cars in this list. There are no shortage of '04 GTOs for $10k and under. They have the LS1 which isn't as desirable as the LS2 in the '05-'06 models, hence the price, but the LS1 is still a great motor. Clean LS1 F-bodies aren't much cheaper
I own a 2001 CVT and I'll second what you and the article have said. It is very reliable, and the battery is the only thing requiring regular maintenance. I grid charge mine monthly and it keeps it ready to go. As for mpgs, I can eke out 70mpg even with the cvt if I stay at 60 on the highway. Regular tank averages…