
I’ve been playing Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes and have really enjoyed the community I’ve found in my guild. We’re communicative in-game and on our Discord server and it’s a fun way to idle away some time.  You can hope on for a few minutes or an hour and still find things to do.

Underrated comment right here.

I’m pretty sure that’s what you get if ordered at any pizza place in the Midwest and NOT a gas station that also makes food such as Esther did.

That first dish was pretty standard diner breakfast fare, if all in one meal. But the other two things? Not to such an extent. Breaded meat cutlets are pretty common on a lot of “American” restaurant dinner menus especially in the Midwest, which I would attribute to the high German immigrant population. Taco pizza is

Heinz needs to give him a sponsorship deal!

Is he from the Midwest? As a Minnesotan, this is a very Minnesotan thing.

This is a pretty fun restaurant model. If it has a decent product at a decent price it will inflate its own demand. Kind of like when food trucks show up at a business during the lunch hour.

For me it all depends on the burger.  The super cheap bar burgers? Sure, ketchup and mustard (and some black pepper to be honest).  The specialized burger designed with specific toppings already? Nope, never.

Solely in reference to the hats, not the Wisconsin state cheese portion.

A super soft (so that it flops down under the force of gravity) cheese hat to represent Brie would be fun. Also, streaky blue cheese hats!

Thanks for pointing out my ignorance. I’ll work on that.  Have a fine day.

I keep both almond and soy around for different purposes.  I find almond milk to be too watery as a coffee additive but great for oatmeal.  Soy milk on the other hand is my go-to baking replacement and liquid for dry cereals.  It also works fine when eating a fresh chocolate chip cookie.

Yes, delivery services have been around for a long time. Yes, I use online services for convenience. My personal preference when it comes to food, coming from a restaurant, is to go to the restaurant, I was asking for perspectives on this, as I WOULDN’T find it convenient or to my liking. Not to mention, hearing the

“Assume the best, but not the worst, of your fellow humans, even if they end up disappointing you. Live your fucking life!”

I very much understand that other people live under differing circumstances than mine. I was asking for insight as opposed to making assumptions about their choices.

Um, yes? Living in a small city (90K) where I can easily hit up restaurants or grocery stores on my way home from work a service like this is foreign to my reality. So I’m asking (nicely I thought) for why other people use the services. A bit of Hanlon’s Razor here.

That’s fair. Being the cook of the household and keeping it well stocked this is never really something “I” would do but I can understand how others would.

Oh totally!

Fair! That makes sense. I’m usually the one doing the cooking in my household (an act I find relaxing) so going to a restaurant for me is a special splurge and enjoy the “going” part.

Sure, that makes sense.  Living in a small city (90K) where I can easily hit up restaurants or grocery stores on my way home from work a service like this is foreign to my reality.