
The patronizing “pat-on-the-head” statements towards cafes, restaurants, chefs, and even customers drives me nuts.  Take your smugness elsewhere.

Thank you for this! It’s extremely frustrating when a seemingly comes into an area with a conclusion already made up and doesn’t bother who actually talk to the people that live in a place about what makes said place special. We get that a lot in Greater Minnesota, even from statewide publications. Yeah, there’s some

This is a real tough one as a lover of almost ALL sandwiches. Sorry Kate and Allison but lobester roll and tuna salad are no deals for me. Gwen is going to take this vote solely for choosing the classics of PB&J and grilled cheese.

I am really curious as to what language they would amend the state Constitution with that would ONLY impact abortion and not have far-reaching consequences elsewhere. Couldn’t a lack of bodily (personal) autonomy mean forced procedures, body searches, and a greater lack of rights?

I will never, ever, understand the promotion of Confederate leaders by people who also go out of their way to prove their “patriotism” and love of the troops. These two things are NOT compatible. Patriotism to the US of A and American troops are the antithesis of the Confederacy. 

Isn’t this the same for any GOPers and any Historical Society in the US? If their good book and/or pappy didn’t say it then it clearly didn’t happen.

The other irritating thing about this as a Minnesotan is that the Republican controlled Senate will drag it’s heels in negotiating finance bills this year and then after the end-of-May deadline they will claim that their DFL counterparts were “wasting time” and adding too many “non-starter” bills into the House bills.

Dangit! I did miss that line didn’t I.  My humble apologies commentariat.

Do you think this would work the lazy alcohol-infusion way:

My current go-to for a dark lager is the Schell’s Dark.  Good quality and it’s a local beer that I can usually find at any liquor store.

I’ve become a bigger fan of lagers in recent years due to craft brewers in my area finally putting the time in, but Negra Modelo was my first, and you never forget the first. While a lighter bodied lager makes for a sunny day beer, the darker lagers are perfect for moving into as the sun sets and the flannels come out.

Oooh The Protector is back! I recently watched the first season and expected to have to wait longer for season 2.

Chef Fisher is a hero!

Once while in the Scouts friends and I caught some crayfish (Midwesterner here) in a creek while camping and cooked them in an aluminum can over the fire.  Delicious!

I don’t eat fast food anymore but damn do the oles tempt me so every time I pass by the local Taco John’s.  They have an exterior crunchiness and interior softness that fries can never compare to.

I’m going to really miss buttons instead of screens when I have to get a new Subaru...

I would read an article on honey bears.

While I enjoy Stone (my wife LOVES Stone), my response to reading that statement over the weekend was that Koch needed his ego kicked that way. If you’re not going to put in the friendly effort to build an audience in a place with a very deep beer culture/history and blame them for not liking your products, you

Look up cheesy quinoa casserole, add in or switch out the kale for the spinach. Works as a meal on its own or as a delicious side. 

I love growing and cooking with kale. We rotate through an easy half-dozen recipes where it is a starring component and add it in just about anything else that it might fit into. Stir-fry, pasta dishes, soups, hot dishes (casseroles for you non-Minnesotans), a side on it’s own. I’ve never done massaged it before but

I make a similar soup.  Souper easy to make vegetarian as well.