I’m upset because it hit me in the feels at work and I teared up. How can I be a demeaned drone if I have feeeeels!
(I love this ad and can’t wait for further discussions post Footbaw)
I’m upset because it hit me in the feels at work and I teared up. How can I be a demeaned drone if I have feeeeels!
(I love this ad and can’t wait for further discussions post Footbaw)
I once got a multi-tool through security in my bag (completely unbeknownst to me) and it was found by the TSA on my return flight. I miss that multi-tool...
This is exactly why on those days when I am the only one left in the office before 2:00pm, 3:00pm does indeed become 6:00pm.
I love the logic that the money that the government is using isn’t somehow tax dollars. Umm, where do you think the money that funds this shit comes from Sarah? It comes from us, the American citizens and taxpayers.
Brandy with a black tea is one of my favorite cold day beverages.
We JUST do stockings at our place. One for each of us and one for the fuzz-face. If it doesn’t fit in the stocking it isn’t a gift; those just get picked up as “necessary” items.
Oooooh Indiana Jones!
Having only spent 24 hours in Iceland, my impression was that, by living/surviving on a godforsaken volcanic rock in the north Atlantic, the Icelandic people have no time with niceties, pleasantries, or music that doesn’t have use the word metal in it’s description. 10/10 would go back.
Thank you for researching this and diving in so the rest of us need not. I, for one, salute you!
I feel like he’s biding his time for Trump to be impeached and he and Mother can take control.
Why not both?
Walnut liqueur is something that I recently discovered and will be trying this year.
Holiday party cookie exchanges can be so great (homemade truffles) or so awful (pistachio cookies).
Hey, the doctor says I should eat more oatmeal, therefore, doc’s orders.
Any cookie with oatmeal in it is A-OK in my book. It has oatmeal, therefore, it is healthy. Breakfast cookies for all!
So, we should all be pushing this story right? I mean he’ll either talk himself into a corner and MAYBE lose some credibility with his supporters OR go abroad and look like a tool in front of “the troops” and definitely lose credibility. Win win?
Thank you for this detailed comment.
Yaaaasss to The Last Kingdom! I highly recommend reading the books.
So does anyone else watch Frontier? There are times that I like it and times that I find it tedious.
I have a neighbor that has been friends with Senator Elect Sinema since college and they were telling me how disappointed her centrist approach was as that is NOT how my neighbor remembers her or felt from more recent conversations. Hopefully it’s all a centrist in the spotlight, liberal on the floor kind of thing,…
I’m finding it less about the states themselves (statewide offices and Senatorial seats notwithstanding) and more of the ol’ urban/rural divide. Here in Minnesota it’s pretty stark. While we elected two DFL senators and full DFL executive branch, the areas outside of major metropolitan areas and liberal enclaves of the…