Where do we vote?
Where do we vote?
The Stauber line is thick with hockey blood here in the Duluth area. That alone will get him 20,000 votes. He doesn’t come off as a Republican in conversation. That’ll score him another 20,000 votes. As a political candidate, he’s a nightmare scenario for the Dems. Hopefully being a HOCKEY cheater will slow him down.
Funny side related story about this show. I’m friends with a local PBS show producer where I live she was in the process of making a show about creators in this region and had titled it “Making It” as well. She had a bad day when she found out NBC was already on top of that name.
The middle seat is the worst when traveling alone because then you have TWO strangers next you who may:
Curling coverage makes this northern Minnesotan happy. Thank you. We’re having a big celebration here tonight for Olympic curlers, champions and not.
The NYT has a quote from Shuster along the lines of him realizing that is was silky to be beaten, not by the other teams, but the sport itself, and suddenly coming back to win the next 5 games.
The crowd in the Duluth Curling Club was in drunken jubilation at 3:00am watching this. That shot in the 8th end was the stuff legends are made of.
Then there are also the kids that walk around with bluetooth speakers blaring out of their backbacks. WTF is that?
Quick aside about age rules. My wife and I were watching the women’s ski jumping last night and all of the athletes looked like kids to us. So we looked up minimum ages set by the IOC. Oddities: To participate in Biathlon you have to be at least 22 (I figure it has something to do with international gun laws or…
Beer also helps you participate in curling.
My wife curls at the club where most of the US men are hailing from and while I have talked with them I haven’t talked to Matt. But I couldn’t see any of them playing for this long with a Trumper.
I’m really looking forward to going to the local club to catch all of the curling and cheering on the locals. Nothing like a curling crowd to really make watching curling a party.
So next question, are all diffusers created equal? Is the electric one worse/better than the candle powered one?
In high school, our gym teacher had broomball shoes and would literally run circles around us telling us how much better he was than us. Didn’t feel bad when he eventually fell.
Story about the Bachelor Farmer. It is owned by Gov. Dayton’s sons. When he got a new dog he had a contest to guess said pooch’s name. My roommate got it right and we were all treated, by the GOVERNOR to dinner at his sons’ restaurant. Food tastes even better when purchased by the politically relevant heir to a…
This is really depressing. When I was an intern in college we always planned a big awareness event on campus around the release of this report. Sportballz shouldn’t be sucking up that much reporting...
Oh, I completely misunderstood that in my end-of-day fog. I thought they would push the election until the regularly scheduled senate election for that seat.
Even though Gov. Dayton has made an appointment there will be an election for that seat in November. I see this as a middle ground. An appointment gets made until the regular election is held and that seat is simply added to the ballot. What is being proposed in Alabama is just silly.
When my wife was in Finland for a few weeks visiting family she tole me that Karhu was the only beer there worth drinking. And she’s big into beer. Let that sink in. Finland is not for beer drinkers.
Woo D&D articles! And kudos to Mr. Kamstra and his efforts. This is an amazing addition, especially for campaigns with people playing multiple characters.