Regarding pie. That’s what pie (sugar) pumpkins are for. They are small, sweet, and grown specifically for making homemade pie. That canned squash crap does not equal homemade.
Regarding pie. That’s what pie (sugar) pumpkins are for. They are small, sweet, and grown specifically for making homemade pie. That canned squash crap does not equal homemade.
Thank you for this reasonable and thought out response. There is also Leeann Tweeden’s response to all of this that I think needs to be considered. What does she, as the victim of his actions, want to see from this?
Didn’t see your reply before replying but yes, this.
Good quality socks are key. Such as $20 Vermont-made Darn Tough wool socks. Lifetime warranty. (god I hope they never go out of business...)
Locally we had something similar happen:
We had our reception at a brewery. Somehow (I am always the one with a hangover) I powered through the night and the next day while the bride joined the entire wedding party in a communal hangover and multiple throne visits. Wedding magic is real I tells ya!
I found it pretty easy to cut most meat out of my diet by dating and then marrying a vegetarian. As the main cook in the relationship I had to adapt to making meals that would satisfy us both and it is much easier to simply cook a good meal without meat then deal with meat-alternatives and meats in the same meal.…
This is AMAZING! I’ve done things kind of like this with allowing PCs to craft items and potions form scavenged items and monster bits but the cooking element is a really fun twist. “Mithril Chef” game show anyone?
Pumpkins aren’t even orange on the vine yet!
Some might call this a “Doggo Delay.”
Some rad friends of mine are planning a small festival in our area which is described as “An unapologetically feminist festival. FEmnFest centers and features people that are women, fem, and/or non-binary identified. It is fully comprised of (and entirely run/operated by) all of these identities and feminist…
I live in a small city (80K) and the local pub has running tabs for certain regulars kept on recipe cards in a box by the till. Basically if you know the owners you can be in the box. Still prefer cashing out at the end of th night though. That shit will sneak up on you otherwise like taxes!
Clearly you haven’t been to Ikea. We have so many wooden hangers now. It makes you feel like a big hotshot to pull your weekend hoodie and t-shirt combo off those. I’m fancy!
GOP: “Hey everybody! We got rid of the national debt. Isn’t smaller government great!”
This Trumpendency has caused me more psychic grief in the first month than I could have imagined. And realizing that I would trade it for another four years of W has caused a crisis. I mean, FFS I had three different anti-Bush stickers on my car in high school...
The schools just want to keep us from fattening up our children. Thank GOD Trump will fix that. FREE TO BE FAT!
Rauldar, the chaotic neutral Gnome Illusionist that was part of a team in an evil campaign.
This is one of those Super Bowls that I’ll watch only to see the Patriots get crushed and to excuse laying off the diet. But realistically, if I make it to half-time it will be because of good commercials and a lack of other television programming.
Don’t forget local clinics that might not be affiliated with PP as well. In some areas PP doesn’t provide full services (i.e. abortions) but another local organization might.