Hillary Clinton is not a billionaire but try again troll.
Hillary Clinton is not a billionaire but try again troll.
There’s gotta be some irony in that.
I asked this very question recently and most responses were “it’s cheaper” “locations” and “economical for long-term stays with kitchen, laundry, etc” which sounds reasonable.
It appears that all that braille marcomm was in vein. The corpuscles never followed the directives from corporate. Now they need a new resolve to stick the straight and marrow.
And she didn’t pull a Martha Stewart and used her insider knowledge to sell her common stock before the troubling reports became public?
Yes. Or if you don’t understand the phrase, to have someone tell her to stop being a privileged asshole.
You’re acting like Columbia is Wharton or something. The African-American representation in Columbia is around 13%, which is on par with the national population. It’s also 14% Latino and 25% Asian. It is 40% white. I would hardly call that overhwelmingly white. Especially compared to most other universities in the…
The fish in my son’s aquarium turned cannibal and he had many, many questions about this. I’d very much welcome the chance to change the topic to lesbian fish.
We didn’t have senior prank day. We had senior skip day. I being the odd geek that I am decided I was going to be the only senior to go to school on that day. Reverse rebellion? Anyway. My teachers were all so tickled that I came in and helped them clean up their classrooms (something they apparently did every year on…
He does have the ability to maintain a degree of pretentiousness, even when he’s sampling street food from the middle of a favela. But I do enjoy watching his show and commentary, as it’s often from places that I as an unaccompanied woman would never get access to (nor dare to). Travelling White Adventure Man is still…
I once got to have an amazing dinner with Bourdain, Neil Jordan and Susannah Clarke (Jonathan Strange and Mr Norrell author) along with other book-y types. Then got sloshed with Bourdain, Malcolm Gladwell and Antonio Damasio and a colleague. It was a pretty epic night and I am proud to say that I held my own,…
Ugggggghhhhh I'm going to miss Obama so much. How much fun would it have been grabbing a beer with those two?
I’m of two minds about this article. On the one hand, I love Beyoncé’s music and perspective, so much so that I find the dismissive shit she gets in comments here pretty disheartening.
I was privileged to have seen him live, at Coachella in 2008. He brought out The Time and Sheila E and I thought I had entered nirvana. Then he launched into Radiohead’s “Creep” and I just stood there, mouth wide open, doing that laugh/cry thing you get to do only a few times in your life. If the world had ended at…
So superdelegates should ignore the part where Clinton is ahead by 2.5 million votes in the popular vote (more now, what with New York and all) as well as in pledged delegates and do what you want because... well. Because you want them to, basically? That makes a ton of sense. So much for all of that talk about “the…
“Trump voters”... “nuance”
Praying for a good Golden Compass adaptation would seem to be the height of irony...
It was hibachi so it’s likely he was also their server, there are still the runners, bus people, and the host/ess to consider but even as a former food service person myself I am having a hard time having any sympathy for the restaurant. A server having a bad day is one thing, a server who sexually harasses and makes…
Go see Stop Making Sense now, it will make you a fan for life. Every instrument in the band is treated as part of the percussion, very dancy. And the movie is set up as kabuki theatre, the stagehands are part of the show, and every song adds a musician.