northern eye

Who knows? Thing is, I think Kara is too young to remember that people clutching their pearls over music is nothing new. Ten years ago, remember the uproar the Dixie Chicks caused? People were gathering their CDs to trash them? Twenty years “gangster rap” and “sex rap” bands like 2 Live Crew had a whole court fiasco

I would never imply that James Woods is a cocaine addict. I’d simply allow others to observe his behavior and decide for themselves.

One cannot dispute that he is a ridiculous scum clown-boy, though.

Fuck. Fuckity. Fuck fuck.

My country......


I’m working on creating some sort of scholarship for guys who have either already gone through their whole trustfunds or just want to prove to their dads that they can do it totally on their own with their parents only paying their rent, car, and insurance. We’re in the beginning stages, but a kickstarter is in the

Apparently the filmmakers sold the rights to Sundance. Bey bought the rights to use the clips it Sundance.

It’s because you’re so articulate. Dumbasses. I hate work.

Aw, shit yeah, bro! Not all men! You’re so brave!

im saying you have commented 20 different times on a thread about a woman you dont like very much. i just counted.

Will this never cease to be the truth??

Quick PSA: If you don’t “get” this video, it’s because Beyonce didn’t make it for you. There’s nothing that says black culture needs to be distilled and broken down for the masses. Some things are just for us.

This video was so goddamn black it’s not funny. I’m not southern, but my roots are, and that bit with the girls dancing in the shorts gave me flashbacks to the cheer and dance squads we used to have in the hood. Beyonce is black. Black as the bottom of your grandmama’s cast-iron skillet. Blackity black, black, black.

The song is meh if you’re looking to something to belt in the car or dance along to.

Well, some portion of the problem is that many cops now are former military. Policing isn’t soldiering.

The fact that this bitch gets anything done before her kid wakes up makes me call bullshit.

Dude if I understood it, I would, but the tl/dr appears to be “I am an authentic crazy person” ... it starts out as seemingly a defense of cops, then swings the opposite direction, then comes back around. None of it really has anything to do with the article.

Welcome! You must be new here. This is called irony. Also dark humor. In this case, quite dark. But still humorous, and also copacetic because the joke is at the expense of the sicko dillweed murderer.