northern eye

The back is a gateway body part. It starts with a little scapula action and next think you know they’re looking at pelvises. It doesn’t end until they’re huddled close to the screen, trying to catch a glimpse of patellas.

Not everyone is naturally a perfect hammerhead shape.

I dunno, Cory Booker was probably shoveling snow in between rescuing old ladies from burning buildings and serving hot coffee to homeless people.

As one of my very youthful looking African-American little old lady patients once told me when I commented on how great she looked, “Honey, black don’t crack!"

The reverie was broken when Senator Murkowski proceeded to use her platform to say:

Precisely. I am really not ready to “teach” or hand out “you is woke” cookies.

Well if you bothered to read what she’d said, she acknowledges her privilege. She was asked about gender issues and she answered with the caveat that she is very privileged. So your faux outrage is wasted on this day.

Sing it with me now...

For what it’s worth, I did too. It’s a logical segue, to my mind, when you see Yukon and “D” in the same headline but, hey, that’s just me. And you, thank Christ. ;=)

Not much debate? There were six of them, plenty of time for debate, and good debates at that. Leaving that aside, there’s no reason for the DNC to have more.

Also when people refer to a baby growing in the belly. If the baby is in your belly, be alarmed.

Because the internet is mentally 16 and feels the need to rebel against things that are popular.

I....I LIKE sriracha. Why is there always a backlash against innocent tasty products that only want to make your taste buds happy and never asked for frenzied internet fame? (See also: bacon, avocados, both of which are also delicious AND taste good with sriracha.)

I am a children’s librarian and I am just flummoxed by this book and how it came to be. Vanessa Brantley-Newton is a talented Black children’s illustrator, and she illustrates books that positively represent people of color. I’m not too familiar with Ramin Ganeshram although we do have a few of her books in our

I can see the point that young children aren’t necessarily ready to understand that...

Can’t wait for Ganeshram’s next story about those great blankets the white man gave the Native Americans.

I only read audiobooks by Antarticans.

Let us never forget the majority that are in the Academy, for all their generally liberal-thinking bonafides (even if they vote GOP), are mainly White and think of Blacks and other minorities as a problem to be solved in White America by their presenting us as overcoming adversity at the hands of an unfair society or

[or Oscar]