northern eye

How about not saying “All Lives Matter” thereby demonstrating how completely out of tune you are with the Black Lives Matter movement? How about not dismissing the issue of police brutality as a state and local issue like he did in one of his first interviews after he announced? How about putting a specific plan to

What’s freaking me out - among other things - is the revelation that he forced this stop. He tailed her closely, making it look like he was in a hurry, and when she absolutely correctly moved to the right to get out of his way, he pulled her over for it.

Waller County is 25% percent black. Most of the county officials are white and so are the cops. The district attorney even made overtures to not allowing black students at Prarie View to vote.

He saw her pull out. He turned around to follow her. He raced up on her. She moved over. Whap - he hits the lights. He CREATED THIS TRAFFIC STOP SO HE COULD HARASS A BLACK WOMAN PERIOD FULL STOP END OF STORY.

As a white male, I too have (rather recently) been pulled over for failure to signal, but the proceeding conversation with the officer centered on whether or not I had had any drinks that night and, after a quick field sobriety test, he politely sent me on my way. Being pulled over for such a minor offense can happen

Many years ago I was pulled over for a signal light being out. I handed over my license, proof of insurance and registration and sat quietly like I was taught to do in these situations. He came back and told me to get out of the car. I asked why and he said “because I fucking said so now get out.” I was scared to

Should be noted he took her out of view of the camera when he assaulted her. He knows what is in view on his dashcam.

I was reluctant to watch the video, started watching anyway and had to stop watching when she started crying. I can see the potential for homicide and suicide in this video. I can see how the roughness and indifference of the officer could lead to murder. I can also see how the despair someone in Bland’s situation may

*slow clap*

Plus size women apparently never travel anywhere and aren’t allowed to have jackets with cool pockets.

I’m sure some of the myriad extended men’s sized are large enough for my 20/22ish sized self, assuming I want something that’s going to rub against my bosom and hip region, have 8 extra inches in the sleeve, and an arm-scye big enough that I can touch my ribs with my elbows unencumbered by jacket. At which point I may

Oh damn, that’s so frustrating. I only looked at the women’s sizes at first, and noticed they only go up to an XXL and thought, “Oh well, it’s an initial release, I can understand if they’re not doing wide-ranging sizes yet.” But after your comment I scrolled up to the men’s sizes and nevermind, now I’m annoyed. It

Have you guys seen the SCOTTeVEST? It’s a similar concept. The SCOTTeVEST has a wider variety of styles, but I like that this one has the built-in neck pillow and eye mask.

Not to be a buzzkill, but how annoying that they have more big (and even TALL) sizes for men but not women. Always!

I can tell you what’s more precious than an unborn child. Educating, feeding, clothing, and sheltering low income children, and watching them break the cycle of poverty.

I’m so happy you have the ability to channel the wishes of the dead. You should take that magic trick on the road, I bet you’d make a lot of money.

Just because it is YOUR opinion that Judy was selfish doesn’t mean that it is one shared by others. It is fascinating to me how much you keep asserting that Judy seemed selfish but are so hell-bent on defending her. Plus, your insistence that it somehow hurts the dead that this information - which IS NO reflection on

When you combine the misogyny and assault with the horrific Lost Cause nonsense, Gone With the Wind might be the most noxious film ever made.

Past participants for the Women Who Kick Ass panel have included Katey Sagal, Michelle Rodriguez, Sarah Paulson, Tatiana Maslany and Maggie Q.

Did she sign some sort of ironclad prenuptial agreement that says she gets less than nothing if they get divorced, no matter the circumstances? Why would she stay through all this? Did she help him get the drugs? Better those girls than her? What is she afraid of? Is she just as much of a monster as he is?