Jackson Smith

That's certainly true - if it's "South Park," it's chockablock full of false equivalences and Both Sides Though until the cows come home.

There is no fucking way on God's green Earth there'd be a "no Hillary from now on" statement, lol, noooope.

…and it just so happens a major part of their viewers love the guy. Totally unconnected. As I said below in a to-be-approved comment, they felt fine mocking it when we all thought by this time in 2017 we'd be yukking it up about "remember when Trump was running for president," but now they feel just plum exhausted on

"Half of Hollywood" - I'm guessing you mean liberal A-listers - isn't a big part of their current viewership. It just so happens they feel "fatigue" when the politician a ton of their fans support would normally be targeted? In a word, bullgescheite. They felt nice and comfy mocking Trump when they thought he'd lose

The damage that Giant Douche/Turd Sandwich LULZ thinking has done…fuck it, I'm not sure it CAN be overstated.

Sorry for insulting your show, Jason

"Ballers" season premiere night, Elizabeth Warren is AMPED

As the spiritual brother of the equally insane "Under the Dome," Sheriff DJ Phil should really be a series regular starting next week.

This looks like it's gonna have drinking games released for it while it's still doing its contractually obligated week in 2 theaters, LOL

It was a success.

Solid reviews, high viewership. All the thinkpieces about how awful its supposed message was couldn't stop it from getting renewed for season 2, you know?

Clunker after clunker after clunker for 2017 Netflix, sheeeeit….good thing they had "13 Reasons Why" and "GLOW," the misses are starting to pile up.

No, but it IS a love letter to NYC.


Ratings to accordingly be enormous for said episode, as viewers will watch in droves to see whether or not she gets murdered and hope for the best.

Hey, that's Golden Globe for Best Motion Picture - Drama Bobby you're talking about there!

I like how the clip looks like it's frozen on Toure's spit take.

There was a guy who had a bomb in his car named Richard Pavlick. He was going to kill JFK prior to his inauguration. He was all set to do it as he sat outside JFK's residence but then Jackie and the kids came outside and he couldn't "do it in front of them." He got busted later as, I believe, coworkers found stuff

In a world…where the JFK assassin in 1960 hits his mark…

Ooooh, nice