Jackson Smith

The marching band version from the opening credits 4 liiiiife

You didn't know Civil War II was breaking out before you got on the subway?

Well, when she set out to win this divorce, she by God went out and won this divorce. AVClub and Pajiba cred GONE, Joss.

To me it was part of the funniness that everybody in the film had an ENTIRELY different take on "southern accent."

That Freddy got McMartin'd was the one good idea the remake had, so naturally they pissed it down their leg and went "never mind he was totally guilty JK!"

It's quite funny and AJ Gibbs going topless gets five stars.

Solved another one, Sheriff DJ Phil!

Yeaaaaaah, if you told me to guess what the next move would be for the guy who wrote Collateral Beauty, it'd be to write something about how New York has lost its soul, maaaaaaaaan and title it after a Simon & Garfunkel song.

Breakdown, fuck yeah. That movie just crackles, man, it pops. J.T. Walsh is fucking terrific.

Just out of this one. C+ is charitable, sheeeeeit.

Saw this months ago at a test screening. Very funny, liked it a lot.

Ah, Kate Winslet's boobs. The first a generation ever saw, due to the ubiquity of this movie.

Rand-worshipping libertarians run wild in techland? Shoooooooocked

I saw Ingrid Goes West at a free screening months ago. Very funny, one of the better movies I've seen that way.

Colbert's inability to stop laughing at saying "Al Franken: Giant of the Senate" is glorious.

"And you still had time to remove your jacket and your shoes…"

Thank you for loving me.

Leave it to me as I find a way to be
Consider me a satellite forever orbiting
I knew all the rules but the rules did not know me

Such bad movies are only possible when they're made by someone driven by insane ambition…

LOL, the name "Nathan for You: A Celebration" at least made me laugh once during this horrendous, disgusting, fake maverick filled day.