Jackson Smith

It'd probably lead to the usual WWII Nazis win stuff, but a world where the FDR assassin hit his mark would be fucked UP

History is written by the winners*

Well, given that slavery still exists in this world, it doesn't SOUND like the show would have any romanticized Lost Cause "it was ACTUALLY about cotton tariffs, you know!" garbage in it…but I've got my eye on you, "Confederate."

IIRC it was at some point in 2003.

Well, if they've been watching since that hilarious stretch in the mid-00s when Vince had a bizarre itch in his brain that all foreign faces would be announced from America somehow. Jericho's intro became "born in Manhasset, New York," Benoit's turned into "now residing in Atlanta, Georgia," etc.

"When the Twin Towers fell," for a feud against BULGARIA!

The torch has been passed to a new generation of Americans who will now get to wear D.A.R.E. shirts on laundry day.

Eh, Christian Bale looked pretty fucking anorexic in The Machinist, sheeeeeit.

Well. Take us there, Skitch.

I thought these alpha males hated snowflakes needing to run to safe spaces when things get tough.

Hope so. History of Comedy is supposed to finally resume next week, who knows. Soundtracks is lost in the ether.

Oh, "don't get involved in CNN shows because of the constant delays and interruptions and eventual 'returns this/next winter/summer/fall/spring' announcement on the website" is very, very real, lol.

As it's a CNN show, over/under how many episodes will be shown before it gets bumped for months due to covering Trump's latest meltdown - 3.5

I don't know if Reality Bites counts, but that one. I think even the writers and actors admit the ending was reversed now.

Sheriff DJ Phil would solve this rape case in 5 seconds.

Gabe Dae lose it

Daniel Dae Lewis feels your pain

Born in '84 and we didn't get a computer until we were 12. Why's the cutoff '83 for that, lol.

Dom's gonna spike Ryan's water/protein powder/whatever just to smear him and especially Alvey as a dirty coach for some unknown grudge reason against Alvey, as Ryan is Navy Street's crown jewel, I get the feeling that's the end result.

The Blackcoat's Daughter was so bad, fuck.