Jackson Smith

Oh, I hated the Colonel…with his wee BEADY eyes! And that smug look on his face - "ohhhh, you're gonna buy my chicken, ohhhhhh!"

So I Married an Axe Murderer has always been funnier.

Saw it at a free screening months ago. It's as terrible as it seems.


LOL, God knows that'll make them stop.

It's my favorite song, so I was way looking forward to it.

If Samantha Bee's not blaming Bernie for Hillary losing, she's drooling on Hillary.

Hey, Cherry Vanilla Coke on the freestyle machine is the sheeeeeeeeeit

LOL, I had no idea the "Perfect Strangers" song could sound so pretty.

Everyone who appeared in The Comedian should be banned from films and TV for 5 years. Ugggggh.

Standing TAAAAAAAALL…on the winnnnngs of my dream!

Juuuuuuuuuuuice! Say it ain't so, Juuuuuuuuice! Uncle Juuuuuuuuuice couldn't have done this!

Renee's commie training back in Russia was lacking if she thinks Indiana University is called "U of I" and not "IU" by anyone in America.

Whewwwww, I forgot about Gabriel last week and thought it somehow slipped my mind that this was the last week of "The Americans"…don't you put that evil on me, AV Club!

"Holy fuuuuuuuck" on repeat was my entire reaction throughout my many scrolls, lol, wowwww.

All of Joan's insults about TV, I hope the final episode includes the "Night Gallery" appearance.

Exactly my point - Fox News gleefully had "IS HE REALLY PRESIDENT?" coverage after Roberts bungled some words and yet everyone outside "Alex Jones" is cool with not even seeing footage of it? Don't think so.

Exactly, which makes the likely "you're pregnant?!? get out of here!" followup ridiculous.

Have a feeling the show's gonna have Shae booted out of the webcam house as soon as the "owner" finds out she's pregnant as if that automatically makes her unprofitable, but really porn's a business that appeals to specific niches - Shae being pregnant would probably make her one of the best earners in the house,

Even if for security reasons Keane didn't feel comfortable with the traditional inauguration celebration, they still would've filmed the swearing in and released it to the press, if not aired it live from an "undisclosed location." That was some silly shit O'Keefe mentioned during that "day 34" monologue that