Jackson Smith

Cooler people? That was Mr. Matthews, there's nobody cooler!

Ooooh. Eeeee. Owwww. Ahhhh. Oooooh! *kick kick kick*

It's tooootally Perry. At least as Ziggy's dad.

It totally occurred to me watching this episode that that could be it.

Awww, Duncle, your time is finally up. Kudos on making it all the way to episode 3 (or 4) of the final season, I don't think anyone had "season 5" in guessing when Duncle would bite it.

Seen this trailer constantly at the theater recently, every time thinking only one thing - why is Tim McGraw so skinny now? Is he okay?

On its 3rd movie and everything else she's in seems to bomb. That's not a prognosis for continued career health.

Not getting La La Land and continuing her recent streak of barely viewed crapola is quite unfortunate for Kendrick, hope her luck changes soon.

Being someone who has all of Smith's output (except Cop Out, never seen) and enjoyed it all to varying degrees, Yoga Hosers was the worst thing I saw last year. Insanely, stupefyingly awful.

Alas, poor Duncle, your final hour seems to be drawing near. But who knows, making it all the way to the final season was unexpected, maybe you can fly free again, lol.

I should've ended my comment with "I don't know why he's conflating
these two with those two either, man." Sorry for the confusion, my bad.

I should've ended my comment with "I don't know why he's conflating
these two with those two either, man." Sorry for the confusion.

I'm not saying it is, the "….?" was intended to imply "I have no idea why he's so pissed about these things and putting them on the level of Polanski and Woody either."

What brave standing! Woooooooooow!

AFAIK Bale was an asshole to a PA and Spacey made up a BS "walking the dog" excuse when he got mugged in a park at 3 AM that's apparently a known gay hookup area….?

Does it include the most boss "not fucking around" scene of the original where he just shoots the wife of his crooked cop friend in the arm? That honestly helped Taken stand out from the pack, where 99 other movies you know the hero's not actually gonna shoot her.

He toooootally thought the SAG award showed the backlash was gonna take down Affleck.

Ehhh, Tony Kaye did that to himself, if I remember correctly.

His pissy face at losing was even better.

There were various articles describing unnamed voters who were tossing their Brokeback screeners in the garbage, and Ernest Borgnine of all people was the only one willing to put his name on it. He even said "John Wayne would be rolling over in his grave."