Jackson Smith

Brokeback lost Best Picture to Crash, yes. I still remember how stunned Jack Nicholson was when he announced it, he might've thought HE got handed the wrong envelope.

Brokeback should've been the first. Fucking Crash.

No, that was a sarcastic joke about self-important gasbags like Constance Wu who has been campaigning on social media for Affleck to lose at the Oscars because of his settlements, comparing it to Trump winning after the "grab 'em by the pussy" tape came out.

Uh oh, Casey Affleck won. So, uh, Trump won. Or something.

Couldn't leave it up in the air, just had to have him whip his dick out.

Yes. He gave the performance of the year male OR female, and Denzel winning a second lead actor Oscar because of outside considerations (first because Russell Crowe's an asshole and attacked a BAFTA producer, this because of Affleck's settlements) is sorry.

Good thing for those kitty litter commercials

"And Cameron, and Cody, and Kyle, and TUCKER…"

"Fake movie about fake news. Vladimir assured me Russia would never starve Ukrainians. Lying press strikes again, sad!"

From "a young Christopher Hitchens" to "an emotionally needy Ann Coulter wannabe," funny how that opinion changed in a weekend, lol.

Horrendous. On and on it goes and I can't believe Verbinski still had enough juice left to produce something so flabby and ridiculous.

Overlooked Documentary Feature - Gleason gets my love there.

I'd vote Manchester for Picture and Affleck for Actor. It's still as said above the best performance of the year. No problem with La La Land over Moonlight, the latter left me pretty cold…and God almighty, if/when LLL wins, it's not gonna be like Crash over Brokeback, man, guaranteed deluge of angry tweets aside. Not

Duncle, somehow incredibly STILL alive to hold babies in a total creepy manner!

From the great boogeyman to cooked in 24 hours. That's quite a ride, lol, hope he saved his money from his year in the spotlight.

Negan (or a Savior) is so gonna kill Zeke's tiger and THAT will make him want to fight at last.

Philip Jennings is going to be on the show next week?! That is a trip.

"The Americans" winning Best Drama at an awards show, just as God intended.

After seeing it in this episode, I hope people do cosplay as The Revolting Blob from Billy Madison at cons.

Yeaaaah…the level of drama around "La La Land or Moonlight" is getting a bit too high. La La Land beating Moonlight wouldn't be anything close to Crash over Brokeback Mountain, let's be real. Honestly, I'd pick Manchester by the Sea over both of them.