Jackson Smith

Lieutenant Weinberg actually appearing, so glorious.

Both Sides Suck Equally theater. Yawn.

I know the Cena/Styles stuff wasn't bad, it just felt like the usual Break Glass in Case of Feud with Indie Guy beats Cena does. The Shield segment was fine, but the thing I was struck by most is how no matter how much Ambrose gets booked as a goof and these last few months post-Roadblock have sent him into the

Saw the pilot during some early preview a couple weeks ago. Pretty solid, definitely game for episode 2.

Huh, guess I misidentified what was on the copies of the episodes that made the leak sites.

This just continues to make me sad that Christina Hendricks was in it and quit, as it's on a pay movie channel.

"The Last Ship" premiere was shown in Canada, which gets rewarded with McSteamy and Adam Baldwin's tweets come to life for being peaceful and such.

Insult the power of The Murder Channel at your own peril.

Fucking adore Perfect Sense. God, do I love that film, every bit of it.

He'll always be James Carrey from Doing Time on Maple Drive to me.

"My twin brother has been shot! I think it was an Asian gang or something. There was this guy, he looked Asian. And he was speaking another language, I think it was…Asian!"

I really like how it took an actual distinguishable period of time before Dorian figured out that being the only male member of a death cult premised on the hatred of men wasn't the best idea.

Oh, she's loved "only white people voted for Bernie" - the entirety of the Democratic coverage last week in the "how did we end up here?" segment was "because black people can vote."

Yeah, to me, it's not that "Bernie Bros" are an urban legend, it's overblown in the sense that every campaign has a minority of supporters that go way too far and losing drives up 'em up the wall, and from the coverage it's like anything prior to right this second now is down the memory hole. Right now it's the few

I've really loved "Full Frontal." It's been really great…except for coverage of that race. I remember when she went off, as did most Hillary backers that week, for a solid minute about Sanders being a big ol' sexist for the crimes of 1) telling Hillary to stop interrupting him at a debate after she repeatedly did so

I saw plenty of unqualified "first female nominee of a major party" coverage, I don't know….

Oh yeah. It's basically the movie Singles forever in Canada.

Morgan Freeman thinking he wouldn't have been busted inside of two weeks.

For me that'd be the opening scene of Gone Baby Gone, where we're shown various pieces of Southie life featuring clearly actual Southie residents as Casey Affleck narrates some really beautiful dialogue over a wonderful piece of score by Harry Gregson-Williams. The rest of the movie after that was okay and all

The only thing that really worked for me this week was the snake doctor sketch, straight through turning a lizard into a snake.