Jackson Smith

"I imagine I'm wearing a funny hat?…and then I just go craaaaaaazy!"

Another season of this show is over. WAAAAAAH!

Honestly, a D+ is higher than I expected.

That's a whooooole lot of words still blaming other shit for your poor buddy's actions. Nice 10-word lip service about Brock being "rightfully convicted" you included so you can point to it when people point out the utter failings of this, but your treatise on "American drinking culture" is still hot garbage, and the

"You won't BELIEVE what Jared Leto does as the totally x-treme Joker…in moderation!"

Edge and attitude! Hell, edgez and attitudez, that's x-treme!

Another year, another season finale of "The Americans"…TOO SOON!

Very excited for this. Rave review after rave review after rave review, damn.

Crapping on the current champion, showing how big a pile of crap "wins and losses don't matter" is…That's Our Cena!(TM)

He was still pretty chill on that video package. That was probably the most laid back "I was so angry" I've ever heard, lol.

It's weird. I mean, I certainly got that she was trying to get the woman on the show, of course, but if the point was that she was only spinning and bullshitting, then being right about the first thing she cited and the show presenting it as the "trump card argument winner" moment via music cues, Rachel walking

Well, his final opponent Ken Shamrock is the World's Most Dangerous Man, after all…

Noooo, Uncle Juice, say it ain't so!

While it did bring light to the issue, it did not in any way "start the gay rights movement." That comment was almost as bizarre as the entirety of Roland Emmerich's Stonewall movie.

Such disrespect for The Murder Channel, tsk tsk.

"The Real World" did whaaaaaaat

I am another who had no idea about Fat Axl and am currently enjoying the many, many variations thereof.

Sorry, Maher, he's really only gonna come on after he's out of office.

I've built up Jonah having the presidency in the palm of his giant hand so much that I reeeeally need to see that scene, man.

All that stuff after "Becky with the good hair," her fans acted like a bunch of nutjobs.