Jackson Smith

In the horribly English accented words of Matt Hardy, "IT TIS! IT TIS!"

Psh, the wrestling video should've been the batshit insane closing segment to this week's TNA Impact. Come for Matt Hardy being too fat to get under the bottom rope, stay for Jeff Hardy having a fake baby thrown at him.

Really dug the first episode, looking forward to more.

So happy to see an article on Rolling Thunder, so good.

No endless sketches on how much it sucks to be rich and famous, no excessive celebrities…it was like an episode from one of the previous seasons, especially that stellar first sketch.

Bring back the Whale!

AJ getting the 2 matches to 1 Cena Rub That Isn't…Rollins and Styles have to be heels and Ambrose has to get booked into the toilet since Roadblock, all in the service of The Guy and Mr. BRRRRRABBADOO…Lord Jesus, save me.

Ah, Obama's Katrina #17, where DOES the time go.

Stardust actually got pinned off the Hedidntgetallofitstunner? I'm surprised Cody wasn't quitting and writing Facebook missives then and there.

"Gavin, libel laws don't really apply when what's written is true."

"Thanks, Kent's autism."

Billy Christiansen!

Mail Robot! Lynyrd Skynyrd Fan Wig/Glasses Combo Philip!

You've never experienced the fresh beats of the 83 graphing calculator?

They were shot at a T.I. concert? Hadn't those people suffered enough?

Yeah, I know they were locally grown, but it'd be weird for a tourist place to have a band that was big in Germany around the time of FOtB all over the walls. But maybe, I mean…Florida is its own level of cheese, heh.

I've never seen either Ghostbusters, all I know is that trailer for the reboot was some hot garbage. And I know comedy trailers are hard to do right, but sheeeeeit.

Gaaaaaah, I'm already not ready! *tear*

Perhaps. They filmed scenes that could've been used for a season finale and others for a series finale, covering both bases.

Much wobbling in the '95-'97 zone in this one…Cleveland '95, BtP '96, Backstreet Boys got famous in America in '97.