Jackson Smith

The Petrov story's overdue for an Oscarbait retelling.


JYD grabbed them cakes, all right.

"How're they gonna make THIS work? How're they gonna keep THAT up?"

Them thangs in the red dress. Damn, Jess.


Liked the 6 man tag stuff, liked the main event stuff, everything else was some fuuuuuuuuck finishes. Two quality things in a 3 hour show, not very good.

It did look like one character was choking another character against a wall in the hospital in the preview…

Duncle. L-I-V-I-N.

Yeah, the only reason why it's believable that "I balanced the budget and did all these other things" got voted out in favor of "my son got kidnapped, I want to track sex offenders like dogs, and I endlessly repeat 'family values' to everything" is due to the fact that the series takes place in Maine, land of Governor

There's been great "Louie" episodes in the timeframe, but yeah, it's been kinda a gaping disconnect between real Louie and TV Louie for a couple years. Yeah, I know It's Just a TV Show, but there's a wonky feel.

Don't tell me not-ta live, just sit an' PUTTA
Life's candy, and the sun's a bowl-a BUTTA…

Yeaaaah…as it stands in the movie, it almost comes off as he realizes he's gay because he can't help dancing to a disco song on that self-help tape, not because of anything remotely sexual.


Uncle Frank and Aunt Jack.

If they're following the incident in question…Jared glossed over the particulars for a reason.

Lucious' falsetto face looks like that famous shot of Arnold in Total Recall.

The Oscar nomination for Driving Miss Daisy, something to remember for bar trivia.

She even has a AW HELL NAW, hahaha

Eddie wanted money for an Ironman watch, Louis' watch (which turned into three watches) was a Casio.