Jackson Smith

Was the dating site picture of young William Devane from Rolling Thunder? Because it should've been.

Yeah, as a Bulls fan I'm ashamed Corgan's wearing a Bulls hat saying that nonsense.

Duncle is forever, even on a show about a murderous nutbag.

I was excited to see someone named Beeman directed this episode because it brought "The Americans" to mind. Poor Stan.

Pretty sure there won't be a Sheriff DJ Phil equivalent here.

Total Nonstop Aryans is JUST the new direction needed to finally have competition in pro wrestling again!

Fuck you Chuck, fuck you long and fuck you hard.

Solid if draggy show, and the Reigns nonsense has turned into live renditions of Nic Cage's remake of The Wicker Man, every week.

Yeah…both of 'em are fucked up and Rebecca should probably look elsewhere, but if I had to pick, I'd go with Greg. You can go to meetings for being a drunk. No meetings in the world for being a snake in the grass douchebag.

Greg fucked up huge, and I'll note a hard pass on Josh being a weasel to undermine what was going on there.

In 3D!

No kidding…that was one incredible hour, thereabouts, in a theater. Like the article basically says, it REALLY felt as close as possible to being up there on the wire with him, at least to me.

Yeah, he's most definitely been a critic of the overuse of 3D, of upconversions, of random cheap horror movies using it, etc.

The IMAX 3D version of The Walk…seriously, the entire time he was on the wire I was gripping the armrests and twisting to one side and the other, leaning back in my seat, leaning forward. My shirt was soaked through by the end.

"You're going to need a bigger fan."

Oh yeah, that too - foolishly I expected to see three anonymous people there, not the chief's friggin' friends, lol, but.

The panel accepting Ben's explanation got a big ol' "horrrrrrseshit" from me.

I could've watched an entire episode's worth of Andre Braugher and Dennis Haysbert saying "let's break into the FBI" back and forth.

Are we having fun yet indeeeeed

Duncle on the horizon, yeaaaaaah…