Jackson Smith

So many bra shots this week, damn.

Yeah, I'm of the same mind on those comments pretty much exactly. I also largely agreed with Cornette's "too much flippy floppy, not enough selling, the acting segments detract" Lucha Underground comments.

4/10 and that WM ladder match stunnnnk

LOL, those things too. But yeah, look at tonight's mic work - catchphrase #17 recitation, saying he respects his opponents for their work on the indies but they've never been champion here…sound like anyone else we know? Cena wasn't being a tweener when he said the same shit to Bryan or Punk and neither is he. Some

He's not a tweener. He's Cena minus the tiny towels.

Man, you can't taunt me with an article about "Terriers" above a review of a new show Britt's in that sucks that he wouldn't be in if people had just watched "Terriers"….

So fucking good. So. Fucking. Good.

He's not a good guy, he's not a bad guy, he's not a liver spot guy, he's not a My Dog Spot guy….he's THE GUYYYYYYY!

He was half listening to Julie and didn't give him an answer either way. That's not "dismissing" him to me.

That's what I came to type - he didn't dismiss anything about Springsteen. The most you can say he did was only half-listen due to being preoccupied with other shit and not give Julie a firm answer either way.

Chuck mocking Bobby's reheated Ayn Rand microwave leftovers bullshit twice was wonderful. President of the Libertarian Club at his prison indeed.

Josh Brolin, not James, was in No Country for Old Men, and in The Departed Barrigan was Sullivan's friend, not Costigan's. Other than that, greaaaaat.

Well…at least The Nice Guys looks funny.


From March 8, TVLine -

So the blind item from a couple months ago teasing a show was bumping off one of its leads was referring to "Sleepy Hollow" all along? Kooky.

Richie! He's an asshole! He does coke! We're shown he's an all-seeing supergenius at knowing which bands will be hits in the future yet we're told the label's somehow in the toilet! He does more coke!

Farewell, Camilla. You sure were a TV trailblazer in mother/son sexual roleplay.

That was way harsh, Tai.

"An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge," not incident…rampant nerdery of "The Twilight Zone" all up in here, even the one not specifically made for the series, heh.