Jackson Smith

I'm pretty sure Hap just brought the wig for the flashback sequences straight from "The Following," and he looked just as hilariously absurd in it then as he does now.

Not only a white guy, a Canadian.

B? Are you taking the pot?

I'm definitely hearing Spin Doctors' "Two Princes" in my head now.

Definitely remember Applebees having a Carside to Go option last time I was there.

That was my first thought too, and I honestly cackled at the "physical developments" line in this review.

That cat really didn't like being in Terry's hand at the beginning, did it.

So excited for this to come out so I don't have to see this trailer in theaters anymore. No more "*piano note* Like a small boat, on the ocean…," no more "are you telling me this sweet baby girl fell out of a tree just right and hit her head so it didn't kill her and it didn't paralyze her - it HEALED her?", glory be

Certainly could be that.

Everybody in charge, probably. Bush will look like a clown, Brown will look like a clown, Nagin will look like a clown.

Next season is Hurricane Katrina.

That sign was so fucking wonderful.

The "you suck, Roman!" kid was great.

Yeah, that was pretty disconnected, either Roman's natural crappiness, trying to be extra careful with the boss' face, or being flummoxed at yet another crowd shitting on him.

*one and a half seconds of Roman Reigns' theme song*

Roman punching Hunter in front of three teen girls going insane and acting like The Beatles had landed in 1964 while the rest of the arena was booing him out of the building…I'd call that the funniest shit of the year, but then there's the Detroit crowd chanting YES! in time with Hunter bouncing Roman's head off the

Say what you will, "Who Are You Working For (DAMMIT!)" is a new classic.

A truly beautiful album. Only wish a song of his called "Low Love" had made the album instead of showing up on his Record Store Day release.

Josh summoning Ultra Josh really sounded like Jillian Bell's Jay Baruchel impression. "Hi, I'm Jay Baruchel, writer and director of Goooon!"

The biggest laugh of the season finale was the ad running for season 2 of "Sex & Drugs & Rock & Roll" and remembering FX actually renewed that.