Jackson Smith

Good point. "Red. Red. This is red!"

This movie sucked in large part for how un-modern day Cage it was. He raised his voice, like, once. Zero Wicker Man quotient, SO disappointing.

Joe Carroll's reward for suffering through some of the most inane dialogue ever written for television? Getting to put his hands on Christina Hendricks' chest and getting paid for the privilege.

Yeah, that was way too little to hang a "but that's reality, maaaaaaan" on. Pfft.

Yeah, at least in my experience, that's something idiot bros will say to each other once the other person is out of earshot, you know? But no, I guess some guys really are that awful.

The Twilight Zone Companion! Such the dog eared copy has followed me around from living space to living space for the last 20 years.

There was a recent special on the ID channel where they freezeframed it and he did look shocked, while Kris Jenner says the same thing.

The preview for the next episode makes it look like they go back to Robert Kardashian and specifically his feelings on the evidence.

I'm stunned to hear that actually happened, I immediately called foul on that watching the episode, thinking they were laying the point of the episode on too thick. Nope, some people really are that shitty.

She's Rick James, bitch!

Ha, nope. Same one, still coming out "January 2, 2015."

I saw a TV spot for this yesterday, and saw the old trailer a week ago at the movie theater with its 2015 release date still attached.

That Dean Ambrose promo sure made me want to see his match with Triple H at WrestleMania…..ohhh.

"I think I'd like to try some of that peanut butter and banana sandwich."

Seems like the best part of this show was the pro-Antichrist rally the marketing department did at Comic Con or one of those things.

Duncle outlasts another character, niiiiice.

Huey Lewis would be proud of "Gettin' Bi," both the song and costume choices.

How the attached video isn't of the time Kurt Angle threatened his opponent's wife with "bestiality sex," I have no idea.

Yeah, the past few episodes have been mostly all or all all GOP-centric, which is understandable…Bernie's not mentioning his penis and Hillary's not questioning where he was born, after all.

BIG POP-PA. Throw your hands in the air if you think you're a PLAYER!….POPPA.